We love you Ukraine
I'm already feeling the repercussions, it's so unique and so special I couldn't not put an order in for the wooden box edition.I don't know if you do requests but this (oak) boxset looks a bit special and pre-orders close soon:
Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works Volume II (Expanded Edition). Aphex Twin.
Buy Selected Ambient Works Volume II (Expanded Edition) by Aphex Twin on Aphex Twin.aphextwin.warp.net
For once as well, it's a PROPER anniversary copy tied to an album I love which so rarely happens. Even for anniversary editions though, it's remarkably special. I don't think I've ever seen any music release quite this significant.
There was a recent limited edition of an album by Saltburn which is a really unique piece of vinyl which I would have loved, but I have no idea who Saltburn are, so pointless getting it.
There was also the recent 30th annivesary limited edition Alice In Chains - Jar Of Flies vinyl which was impregnated with real flies, incredibly dark, but very befitting the band. By the time I got the notification it was available on pre order, they'd already sold out, they didn't make many of them, I think it was only 100

Alice In Chains reissue Jar Of Flies on vinyl… and it’s filled with…
It was “actually pretty difficult to get a hold of real dead flies” for Alice In Chains’ limited-edition new Jar Of Flies vinyl, apparently…

The thing is with releases like these, the only option you have is to get them on preorder, they're expensive even then, but as soon as they've sold out, prices are instantly about 10 times. There are 3 of those Jar Of Flies copies being flipped on discogs, asking price of between £1200 and £1500. Once they're sold directly, they're unobtainium on the open market.
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