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  1. Scoped Badger

    PCSPECIALIST Gaming pc, for heavy strategy and some fps stuff, opinions please. Budget is 3k

    What monitor are you going to pair with it? Please read the thread below.
  2. Scoped Badger

    PCSPECIALIST PC upgrade advice

    I'd argue it's actually the opposite, but it's your choice. It's an extra lump sum towards a new build. To me, it's a no-brainer.
  3. Scoped Badger

    PCSPECIALIST Build advice We're going to need a bit more information from you. Have a read through the thread above and get back to us.
  4. Scoped Badger

    PCSPECIALIST Rank importance

    Saves you money in the short term maybe, but not in the medium to long term.
  5. Scoped Badger

    PCSPECIALIST maybe your phone maybe listening to you afterall

    I can be talking about golden rabbits wearing bow ties and three minutes later I can an advert about buying one. You’ll never convince me that our phones don’t affect that. Just wish they’d use it for some good instead.
  6. Scoped Badger

    PCSPECIALIST First gaming desktop

    You can put everything in this one. A moderator will move it if they deem necessary.
  7. Scoped Badger

    PCSPECIALIST First gaming desktop

    Just don't answer the questions wrong, that's when we become less wonderful! ;)
  8. Scoped Badger

    PCSPECIALIST Gaming Center

    You might want to delete both the promotional code and your Windows key!
  9. Scoped Badger

    PCSPECIALIST Is there an issue with my specs?

    When you say “both times it has been the CPU” what did you mean by that? What was the reason PCS gave for the initial CPU swap?
  10. Scoped Badger

    PCSPECIALIST Is there an issue with my specs?

    Outside the obvious CPU issue, I would have gone for a better cooler with that chip, but the honest answer is that it probably wouldn’t have mattered anyway. The chips are broken and not fit for purpose. It doesn’t matter how many times you change it.
  11. Scoped Badger

    PCSPECIALIST Liquid cooling software not showing in Control Center ! Help Recoil 17 13900hx 4090

    He doesn’t need the email, just the login details. Until we have the full specs, we can’t help.
  12. Scoped Badger

    PCSPECIALIST Liquid cooling software not showing in Control Center ! Help Recoil 17 13900hx 4090

    We ask for the full specs to ensure that the laptop isn’t stolen and was ordered from PCS. If you bough the laptop from someone you know, it’ll be easy to either transfer the warranty or get them to login from their account to get the information needed for you.
  13. Scoped Badger

    PCSPECIALIST Advice on build

    Do you have either/both of them already? One is 1440p and the other is 1080p, and which one you use, will dictate what level of GPU you need.
  14. Scoped Badger

    PCSPECIALIST Graphics card compatibility

    Putting that GPU in that build is like putting the engine of an Aston Martin in a Fiat Punto. The GPU costs more than the entire build. Is there any reason why? Is it just a budget issue?
  15. Scoped Badger

    PCSPECIALIST Advice on build

    What monitor will you be using with the PC? Make, model, resolution and refresh rate.
  16. Scoped Badger

    PCSPECIALIST What do people think?
  17. Scoped Badger

    PCSPECIALIST Pc not booting up

    When it boots up “for a second”, does it post? How many, if any, beeps do you hear? When it’s on for five minutes and turns off, do you get any error messages or does it immediately power down without warning? Before it happened the first time, did you recently download/update anything...
  18. Scoped Badger

    PCSPECIALIST Pc not booting up

    Thanks. You might want to delete that windows key though!
  19. Scoped Badger

    PCSPECIALIST Pc not booting up

    That’s not the full spec.
  20. Scoped Badger

    PCSPECIALIST PC upgrade advice

    In that case, like you’ve already been advised, I would sell your current PC and put that money with the £1,400 it would cost to upgrade this one and get a completely new build. You’ll find you get much more for your money.