Silver Level Poster
As my Porsche Cayenne is on it`s last leg atm and I`m looking to scrap it soon , I`m in the hunt for a replacement . The car I`m looking for is a 99-2001 BMW e38 740iAL . Probably the best 7-series BMW ever made besides the e32 . And I have a very specific equipment demand also , it has to have the onboard TV/Satnav and the HiFi DSP audio/speakers . Very few cars of that era could match the sound of those speakers .
The V8 if maintained will last for ever and offers a deep rumble and is actually quite sporty if pushed . The ride is sublime and the looks , oh the looks
The E38 is a very timeless design and even today gives the feel of a very , very expensive car .
The V8 if maintained will last for ever and offers a deep rumble and is actually quite sporty if pushed . The ride is sublime and the looks , oh the looks