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I don't bother either.
I'd only be doing it for me, no-one else comes here and I live on my own.
I spend Xmas day at my daughters house with my grandkids, and daughter obviously.
I spend Boxing Day at my mothers house with all the extended family, 4 generations now. Only 15 of us sat down for dinner this year.
We don't expect my mother, who's over 80, to feed the horde. Everyone brings something for the table. I brought Xmas pudding, home made brandy butter, cream etc. It's all prearranged, we've been using the same list of who brings what for several years. We descend on my mother because she has the space. It's a big 18th century house where all us kids were raised, and where she's lived for 60+ years. It's home to us all :)

So basically I'm too lazy to put them up, just to take them down again, when I won't be there for the two main days they're up for.


I spent most of it working,only off on Christmas day, which suits me fine, when I worked in the uni pre retirement, we used to close down from Christmas eve till the 2nd, that long pointless break, used to do my head in


The Awesome
As a reminder, not only are swearwords not allowed in general text, they aren't allowed in images/videos/whatever either (yes I deleted some stuff)
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