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We love you Ukraine


We love you Ukraine
The Nescafe Gold Blend in the middle is not actually that expensive (in relative terms). The price for that is £4.68 per 100g....Tesco's sells it at £3.49 per 100g. When you take into account Tescos are price-matching with Aldi and the Co-Op prices are always higher (due to them not having the buying power Tescos and Aldi have), then the price difference would be about correct in "normal" times.

Edit: I buy Nescafe Instant Decaff 300g jars from Tesco and the price hasn't gone up for quite a while
Yes, but not long ago, a pot of Gold blend that size was about £4, not close to a 10ner!


The BSOD Doctor
Yes, but not long ago, a pot of Gold blend that size was about £4, not close to a 10ner!
Coffee has not increased in price that much here. Prices have gone up here for many things but there are no shortages, no panic buying, no empty shelves - and no coffee at £10+ for 100g either!!

Greeks are big coffee drinkers, a cup of coffee in a cafe here hasn't increased at all recently.

Oh and we have goat milk and sheep milk here. And goat and sheep yoghurt. But that's because the island has lots of goats and sheep I guess....?


*cough* I am in one of those generations as I just had to go look it up :eek: Having been around computers since having to do computer science in secondary school back in the late 80s, I really should have known...truthfully, I just never even thought about it
Surely it does not take much to see the light?


We love you Ukraine
could you ... explain it to me ^^"
Basically, TLDR, each app opens within it's own visual portal ie a window of view, MacintoshOS on the Lisa was the first graphical user interface which was heavily delayed and hugely expensive due to Steve Jobs perfectionism (and possible mental health issues at the time coming to terms with his ex telling him of his daughter, Lisa existing, and Jobs hugely in denial about himself being the father), Microsoft stole a lot of the design of Windows from the Lisa. Parts of the original Windows GUI were actually licensed from Apple as well

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