

It's too early for me to even be thinking about what I'm going to be shoplifting buying for my family this year!

Although might get a head start to beat the rush, and I'll be skiing for the 2 weeks before Christmas too. Not buying any new skis this year, as I found it very difficult to run with them stuff down my pants!

Maybe Everton FC could start playing more local lads in their team, as they'll know how to nick a few goals here & there.


homers actually broken a pc doing that
I threw a laptop at (not through) a window in our HQ when it crashed whilst saving an Excel model…at 3am in the morning.

The laptop was so slow, and the Excel model so unoptimised, that it took 20 minutes to save, and an hour to run*

Yes, it was very poorly designed by me, as what was intended as a quick & dirty proof of concept to get the ‘development team’ an idea of what we needed the thing to do, ended up being the live model as the d3v team didn’t have the resources to develop it in the timeframe we needed it. So I spent longer, and longer, and longer on it as I was asked to pull in more and more data for mapping & analysis.

At least I got a new, powerful mobile workstation out of it 😁