

We love you Ukraine


7 glasses of water, I'd be doing my 9000 steps backwards and forwards to the loo. maybe change that to 7 black coffees
9 thousand steps during my
8 hours of sleep (dreaming on walking up Snowdon or around the Nurburgring)
7 glasses (pints?) of water, if you include the water in my tea, coffee, gin, vodka
6 minutes of meditation, every time I go the toilet
5 servings of fruit & veg...all of them on top of my pizza
4 breaks for mental/physical stretching - although most of my day is that anyway
3 meals, 3 healthy snacks, and all the unhealthy snacks t don't need to count
2 sacrifices to the Dark Lord are getting up in the morning and spending all my day on the cesspit that is the internet
1 session of exercise which drags me back to bed in the evening