You've got to love the appallingly bad English. Not!
Watched it the other night, never gets old. The quintessential Christmas movie along with It's a Wonderful LifeRemember, remember, the fifth of ...
Oups, wrong date ...
Remember :
Watched it the other night, never gets old. The quintessential Christmas movie along with It's a Wonderful Life
Awesome!the classic was if you start die hard at exactly 9:58:13 on new years eve you can see hans gruber fall off the tower at exactly midnight
im trying that this year
I'm so damn tired, was up at 04:30 this morning
Best Christmas film everRemember, remember, the fifth of ...
Oups, wrong date ...
Remember :
Just averaging about 4 hours at the moment, I just go through cycles where I don't sleep much.any particular reason
Been there, done that, not goodJust averaging about 4 hours at the moment, I just go through cycles where I don't sleep much.
Just averaging about 4 hours at the moment, I just go through cycles where I don't sleep much.