Is Day Z worth getting ?


Life Serving
when you die, yes you die, and start again on the coast.

when ya going to leave the server, I tend to get well out of the way into woods and just exit the game, you can re join any server and return to where as before ya left.

when ya re join, ya could then end up spawn/appearing close to other players, thats why its best to exit the game from a well safe location.


Master Poster
Just so you can sort of get this game il try describe it a little.

Its extremely hard no messing the map is extremly big, you find the map to use ingame and its in english the roadsigns are in russian so its not that usefull. playing this in a group is good but you will get lone ppl sniping you even in a group but the rule pretty much is shoot on sight unless they make contact. This becomes worse when the players have a difference in quality of gear, bear in mind im only talking about the players now you have 100s of extremly fast and lethal zombies you will get killed and lose everything usless you are prepared.

You need to eat drink and keep general care of your body, keep warm then find guns and ammo. Theres plenty of stuff round if you know where to find it but you may need to fight to get it and then as i said fight to keep it.

The player you progress with can travel to different servers and even change its name and features but if they die they start off on the coast with hardly nothing.

With a group of people this game can be fun it gets tense but its not too bad.

On your own with a built up character this game can be totally immersive and extremely terrifiying.

But i cant stop playing it and would recommend it to anyone.


Prolific Poster
Will be on tomoz afternoon till about 7/8ish so if anyone wants to join, just ask!

PS if anyone kills me, I will ban ya from pcs :ban: :)

Think me and Bowen should be on sometime tomorrow will be good if we can get quite a few of us working together then we can get a vehicle up and running :D

Oh and i hope that last part was not aimed at me (after the little tales a certain someone has been telling) as i don't kill unless fired at first ;) except for this 1 time i killed bowen and that was an incredible shot while he was passed out bleeding to death on the floor after attracting a load of Zeds i decided to get a headshot on the Zed that was making dinner from him and ended up with a Zed headshot and a Murder :( oops


Prolific Poster
My mission before September is to find a gun. I know, I know, ambitious right? But I can do it! :D

Lols I have played quite a bit and it's getting more difficult all the time as they are making you start with less and less (never mind no gun.... not even a tin of beans and a full water bottle anymore) but makes it much more fun and enjoyable when you start to find your way around and work out where the good stuff spawns, don't forget no weapon then you better learn to crawl past the Zeds ;)


Life Serving
Think me and Bowen should be on sometime tomorrow will be good if we can get quite a few of us working together then we can get a vehicle up and running :D

Oh and i hope that last part was not aimed at me (after the little tales a certain someone has been telling) as i don't kill unless fired at first ;) except for this 1 time i killed bowen and that was an incredible shot while he was passed out bleeding to death on the floor after attracting a load of Zeds i decided to get a headshot on the Zed that was making dinner from him and ended up with a Zed headshot and a Murder :( oops

haha nah it wasnt aimed at you mate. I wont shoot anyone am playing with so don't worry. Plus i'm not exactly much of a threat, lol didnt even realise I lost my back pack :oops:

I'll be going on about half 12 today, :)


Life Serving
:mad: just spawned, dead already! as i had lost some blood previously a zombie ran out of nowhere, hit hit knocked me out, and i lost the rest!


Superhero Level Poster
I actually hope they improve the spawning mechanism for any proper release. To me, you should always spawn safe, perhaps even invulnerable for a short period? (and I still maintain you should spawn with some means of defending yourself, even if its a knife or stick that you can at least kill one Z with, even if you do take dmg)


Gold Level Poster
Just caved in , didnt spend as much as i was expecting on my outing yesterday >.> so after work im gonna download haha :) we'll get a few of us to give it a go one time


Prolific Poster
hahaha I went to bingo tonight ;) so that either a very good joke or someone told you! hahah

You do now know your PC gaming enjoyment is over after admitting to something like that might be a good time to change your user name [rollinglaugh] seriously now did you win ?