The Big Fat Giveaway of the Year 2024

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Any further interest in Citizen Sleeper? Or am I going to have to get creative in coming up for a wheel with just one entrant for the obsessed one?

its not homers fault no one wants free games,

cmon you lot, buck your ideas up and get on the whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelll train


I think you should put it as a wheel for what Homer is going to 1. Citizen Sleeper 2. Nothing 3. Goat Sim 4. Hamster Sim 5. Ant Sim ....etc :D :D

(PS I have no idea if those Sim games exist).
Those Sim games you mentioned do exist :ROFLMAO: and on steam too!

Goat Sim -
Hamster Sim -
SimAnt(not Steam) -

the last one is a Maxis original. I have all their sim games upto simcity 2000..

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I'm wheely sorry I've not done this prize wheel sooner - it's been one of those months. For those of you who may have forgotten @HomerJ and @SpyderTracks put themselves forward for my spare copy of Citizen Sleeper.

This was the result:


that arrow was like, maybe, maybe not, shaaal I? congrats @SpyderTracks :love:

homer behind the scenes playing the theme for the wheeeel

Super Fun , Homer Simpson Plays Big Piano. (Simpson Theme) - YouTube


We love you Ukraine
people dont know what there missing with this wheel,
Do you think cavemen back in the day had this in mind, transportation was just a temporary bonus until technology evolved enough for @AccidentalDenz to start doing giveaways.

There’s a cave somewhere with some ancient civilisation undiscovered by man where they’ve got a shrine with a picture of Aloy in the center of that first wheel, and each day they do a tribal celebration that the prophecy has finally come to pass.

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Do you think cavemen back in the day had this in mind, transportation was just a temporary bonus until technology evolved enough for @AccidentalDenz to start doing giveaways.

"unga bunga me missing GTA 5 from collection"

"unga bunga, me spin wheel to get gta 5"

"unga bunga, denz doing humble bundle giveaway"

"unga bunga, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

it probably went something like that to be honest.