The Big Fat Giveaway of the Year 2024

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This came up searching for a nailed it gif, I have no idea what it is, and find it rather creepy, felt it needed public exposure





Lord of Steam
New month, new games - I guess you know the script by now!

This month, I am offering the following:

- The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
- Terraformers
- Victoria 3

The Excavation of Hob's Barrow is a hard recommend for fans of point & click games. The publishers WadgetEye games are very much the masters of the genre at the moment in terms of their own games and the games they publish.

I think I would recommend Victoria 3 if you're willing to buy the DLC, as while Paradox are pretty good at grand strategy games, their DLC policy is a bit nuts.

For completions sake, and so you can see the games I've grabbed, here's the rest of this month's Humble Choice:



Ok I hope no one minds me asking this in here.
The last few weeks I've been playing the Room series of games (couple of hours in to Room 4 - Old Sins at the moment), and I've really enjoyed it, so my question is can anyone recommend anything similar, even better if is on @AccidentalDenz list


Lord of Steam
Ok I hope no one minds me asking this in here.
The last few weeks I've been playing the Room series of games (couple of hours in to Room 4 - Old Sins at the moment), and I've really enjoyed it, so my question is can anyone recommend anything similar, even better if is on @AccidentalDenz list
Was pretty busy this Bank Holiday weekend, so saw this, but didn't get a chance to respond to it mate.

There's plenty of different types of puzzle games on Steam, so I'll have a dig around my list to see what I've got and then I'll add a few recommendations that aren't on my list to give you more to look at.

Alchemist's Castle
Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery
Death Squared

Hamilton's Great Adventure
Last Call BBS
MirrorMoon EP

Soul Axiom

From @Bhuna50's list, there's also:

FRAMED Collection
Iron Danger

None of the above games are very similar to The Room, but this is everything available on the two lists with the "Puzzle" tag. Have a look through and you may see something that catches your eye. I've bolded the games that are 90+% rated on Steam.

Boxes: The Lost Fragments is probably the game closest to what you're looking for. Reviews are pretty solid too.

The Talos Principle has a similar vibe to The Room and has an interesting story with some twists and turns that I think is enjoyable. There's also a recently released sequel which may be of interest.

The Witness has over 500 puzzles and so will keep you going for quite some time. It's also on the attractive side!

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Was pretty busy this Bank Holiday weekend, so saw this, but didn't get a chance to respond to it mate.

There's plenty of different types of puzzle games on Steam, so I'll have a dig around my list to see what I've got and then I'll add a few recommendations that aren't on my list to give you more to look at.

Alchemist's Castle
Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery
Death Squared

Hamilton's Great Adventure
Last Call BBS
MirrorMoon EP

Soul Axiom

From @Bhuna50's list, there's also:

FRAMED Collection
Iron Danger

None of the above games are very similar to The Room, but this is everything available on the two lists with the "Puzzle" tag. Have a look through and you may see something that catches your eye. I've bolded the games that are 90+% rated on Steam.

Boxes: The Lost Fragments is probably the game closest to what you're looking for. Reviews are pretty solid too.

The Talos Principle has a similar vibe to The Room and has an interesting story with some twists and turns that I think is enjoyable. There's also a recently released sequel which may be of interest.

The Witness has over 500 puzzles and so will keep you going for quite some time. It's also on the attractive side!

Cheers, much appreciated


Lord of Steam
Isn't Hi-Fi Rush rom the studio that was bought and now just closed by Microsoft.

That's the one. Hi-Fi Rush is probably one of the best Xbox exclusive games that Microsoft have released in a good few years, but I feel like the decision to shadowdrop it without any kind of marketing meant it didn't sell as well as it could have. Poor sales figures which then led to Tango Gameworks' closure.

I guess we'll never see The Evil Within 3 or Ghostwire: Tokyo 2 now.

Senua's Saga: Hellblade II is out in a few weeks, so I hope it sells well or Ninja Theory could end up going the same way
Careful, he might change his name again and be stuck with it for longer this time ;)
i think its been 30 days so never know
I could have changed my name back about 2 weeks ago, but I decided to just run with it for now!


Lord of Steam
I think I melted over the weekend, so didn't get around to the wheel. I'll do it once I get home from work tonight. Any further interest beyond Homer & Tron?