Silver Level Poster
So While I was watching amazon prime the laptop all of the sudden went to black screen (crashed). There was like a constant deep noice from the speakers though I assume that it was because I was playing a sound when it happen. I hold the power bottom and it turned off. when I truned on again i opened hw moniter and fan speed setting, and saw my cpu was around 80 C. Atm it jumps between 50 and 60.
I cheched the "View reliability history" and this is what it shows .
*kritiske hændelse* =critical events
windows blev ikke lukket ned= windows was not probably shut down (from when i hold the bottom down just now i assume)
Handling blev afbrudt= action was canceled
hardwarefejl= hardware error (im not sure what this is about tbh), but i clicked it and it showed vrh4. translates to roughly :" due to problems with hardware windows no longer funktions correctly)
*advarsler*= warnings
windows update blev ikke kørt= windows update was not run
Im currently updating windows but im wondering if there is anything else i should do?
I cheched the "View reliability history" and this is what it shows .
*kritiske hændelse* =critical events
windows blev ikke lukket ned= windows was not probably shut down (from when i hold the bottom down just now i assume)
Handling blev afbrudt= action was canceled
hardwarefejl= hardware error (im not sure what this is about tbh), but i clicked it and it showed vrh4. translates to roughly :" due to problems with hardware windows no longer funktions correctly)
*advarsler*= warnings
windows update blev ikke kørt= windows update was not run
Im currently updating windows but im wondering if there is anything else i should do?