

Gold Level Poster


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Here is me topping the PCS leader boards so far ;)



  • 2013-08-03_00001.jpg
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Master Poster
Yeah i think this game has bitten me and i want a better racer, cant really afford the £30 for it right now though...

was nice and cheap over the sales. I expect it will be again. Grid 1 is awesome too and alot better than any of the need for speed games. Youd just have to play multiplayer over Tuungle.


Prolific Poster
I got massively bored of Grid2 despite being a big fan of the first one and racing games in general. Didn't feel like a racing game at all and the career mode was so poorly designed. Decided to give online a go which was enjoyable but the whole upgrade system just made it so unbalanced back when I last played it. Not friendly to newcomers at all. I much preferred the old Grid's way of picking out of a few cars that are all similar but feel slightly different to drive meaning people could have their own personal preference.

Doesn't have anything on Forza either.