RTX 3080


Behold The Ford Mondeo
Yeah it feels like people are trying to make excuses for pretty poor information coming out of PCS.

I keep getting emails every few days saying build will start a couple of days from then. This is never remotely true and if anything I'm starting to wonder if it's deliberate false information to stop people asking for refunds. I finally contacted them today for the first time to see what is going on.

They can't / won't give me an ETA because they don't know when the card is coming. This is fine, it's down to Nvidia and I understand that. However, they also won't tell me where I am in the queue, so even allowing for them not knowing when the next batch of cards will come in, they also won't tell me if my PC will be built when that batch does come, or the next batch, or the next batch.

Yes, stock is low and stock is rare, but a lot of other sellers seem to be much more forthcoming with information. I also know an increasing number of people who ordered elsewhere no later than I made my PCS order, and have now received their product.

PCS could say "we've received an average of 20 cards per week, and there are 60 PCs ordered with 3080s in them that were ordered before your one" and I could make a decent guess that I'll receive it in 3 weeks. If, in 3 weeks the card has come but there's another week to wait for a power supply or cooler or whatever then that's fine - estimates of that information are available too.

The "it's first come first served but we can't tell you how many people came before you" line is a bit tired, when there appear to be people on this thread who ordered later but had their PC built sooner. In my case I handed over £3k to PCS at about 5 minutes past 2 on the day preorders came available. I knew it wouldn't be delivered immediately or quickly, but I expected that a month later I'd at least have a vague ETA.

Did you read my post? I'm not making excuses for anyone.

Your annoyance is apparent, and I sympathise with it but you are misunderstanding the issues at hand.

As has already been covered multiple times in this thread, PCS are most likely as in the dark about the 3080 arising as we are. They won't be told how many they are receiving, when the shipment comes they will open the box to find out what is there. There is also mention of a possible NDA being in place from Nvidia that would jeaopardise future orders if they were to be more open as you suggest. This would be deliberate from Nvidia as they know fine well how thin on the ground the cards are vs the demand.

I have no affiliation to PCS whatsoever so I'm not making excuses for anyone. I'm trying to instill reasoning in people as I understand the impatience building. If you accuse me of trying to make excuses for anyone I won't be taking it lightly, I'm fed up with the blanket statements thrown out in frustration. We all understand it and many 1000s of people are in exactly the same situation. Stop throwing your toys out the pram and deflecting frustration at others who are merely trying to give understanding to the situation.


Did you read my post? I'm not making excuses for anyone.

Your annoyance is apparent, and I sympathise with it but you are misunderstanding the issues at hand.

As has already been covered multiple times in this thread, PCS are most likely as in the dark about the 3080 arising as we are. They won't be told how many they are receiving, when the shipment comes they will open the box to find out what is there. There is also mention of a possible NDA being in place from Nvidia that would jeaopardise future orders if they were to be more open as you suggest. This would be deliberate from Nvidia as they know fine well how thin on the ground the cards are vs the demand.

I have no affiliation to PCS whatsoever so I'm not making excuses for anyone. I'm trying to instill reasoning in people as I understand the impatience building. If you accuse me of trying to make excuses for anyone I won't be taking it lightly, I'm fed up with the blanket statements thrown out in frustration. We all understand it and many 1000s of people are in exactly the same situation. Stop throwing your toys out the pram and deflecting frustration at others who are merely trying to give understanding to the situation.
I read your post. They don't have to give out actual numbers if it's an NDA that's preventing them from providing reasonable customer service. They could say I'm 20% down the queue of people who ordered on launch day, and they've whittled it down by 10% in the time since then, so I could make my own estimates. Other resellers are making queue information available to their customers. I expect the reason they're not doing that is that they're selling things to people who've ordered later and are not operating a fair queuing system.

I paid £3k over a month ago. None of the parts other than the 3080 had shortages, nothing in any of their confirmation emails suggested their were shortages, and their customer support didn't tell me my build was waiting for anything other than a 3080 either. As soon as they took my money they should have reserved all of those parts. If they've really failed to get enough power supplies or whatever in then customer support should have told their customers that. And if it was in stock when I made my purchase, but they then cannibalised it for another build while my machine waited for it's 3080, then that is simply not acceptable. I've (and anyone in my position) already paid for those parts, they absolutely should not take them back and sell them to someone else while they hold onto my cash.


And apologies if I'm coming across as aggressive. I was ok with the wait, I know there are shortages and I'd been ignoring the incorrect emails they've been sending me for weeks. Today was the first time I actually contacted PCS about it and am just annoyed at how dismissive they were of a simple question about how far down the queue I was. I ordered within minutes of ordering being possible, it shouldn't be that hard to say if I'm near the top of the queue or not whenever they do get some cards in.

Deleted member 103489

You have to remember though the 3080,3090 cards were never available from the day they got launched on pcs.. their site did state for pre order and awaiting stock, nvidia and third party stock are coming in very slow and theirs not a lot pcs can do about this other than inform their customers weekly through email. This is why it's messing up their stock target numbers

For me i was calling every few weeks for update until i got my pc build their on Friday.

Hopefully you don't have to wait to much longer now @quok


Behold The Ford Mondeo
I read your post. They don't have to give out actual numbers if it's an NDA that's preventing them from providing reasonable customer service. They could say I'm 20% down the queue of people who ordered on launch day, and they've whittled it down by 10% in the time since then, so I could make my own estimates. Other resellers are making queue information available to their customers. I expect the reason they're not doing that is that they're selling things to people who've ordered later and are not operating a fair queuing system.

I paid £3k over a month ago. None of the parts other than the 3080 had shortages, nothing in any of their confirmation emails suggested their were shortages, and their customer support didn't tell me my build was waiting for anything other than a 3080 either. As soon as they took my money they should have reserved all of those parts. If they've really failed to get enough power supplies or whatever in then customer support should have told their customers that. And if it was in stock when I made my purchase, but they then cannibalised it for another build while my machine waited for it's 3080, then that is simply not acceptable. I've (and anyone in my position) already paid for those parts, they absolutely should not take them back and sell them to someone else while they hold onto my cash.

You are free to cancel your order at any point and go elsewhere if you really feel that irked. You are being very close minded and seem to be presuming that there are a handful of orders to deal with when you make assumptions that what you suggest is even feasible.

As I explained in my post there is a whole host of variables in each and every order. A blanket statement cannot be issued to cover all bases.

At the time of order, the parts aren't necessarily in stock. The assumption is that with what they have in stock and what they have on order meets or exceeds the current order book and the expected orders. it's only when there is a delay in the supply of stock that things are marked "out of stock".

If you are 1000 in the queue, you can't expect PCS to hold 1000 of everything (not including all the orders after you). It would be unfeasible.

Like I said, and have said many times, there is a very close minded understanding of how this all works. People are selfishly micro-analysing their individual position and posting up blanket and widespread nonsense about what is happening.

What is happening with PCS is happening absolutely everywhere. The understanding of what is going on, that I am putting forward, is not for PCS's benefit or exclusive to PCS. It's what's going on everywhere, with every retailer and reseller.

The complexity comes from the niche market that PCS are in. They aren't a component seller with a straight queue of 3080 orders. They have the 3080 shambles to deal with along with every other component issue, shortage and demand during the pandemic.

It's like asking to call the final score in a Brazil vs Italy match 3 months prior to the game during Covid and then being critical of the inacuracy of the prediction when the game is postponed.


You are free to cancel your order at any point and go elsewhere if you really feel that irked. You are being very close minded and seem to be presuming that there are a handful of orders to deal with when you make assumptions that what you suggest is even feasible.

As I explained in my post there is a whole host of variables in each and every order. A blanket statement cannot be issued to cover all bases.

At the time of order, the parts aren't necessarily in stock. The assumption is that with what they have in stock and what they have on order meets or exceeds the current order book and the expected orders. it's only when there is a delay in the supply of stock that things are marked "out of stock".

If you are 1000 in the queue, you can't expect PCS to hold 1000 of everything (not including all the orders after you). It would be unfeasible.

Like I said, and have said many times, there is a very close minded understanding of how this all works. People are selfishly micro-analysing their individual position and posting up blanket and widespread nonsense about what is happening.

What is happening with PCS is happening absolutely everywhere. The understanding of what is going on, that I am putting forward, is not for PCS's benefit or exclusive to PCS. It's what's going on everywhere, with every retailer and reseller.

The complexity comes from the niche market that PCS are in. They aren't a component seller with a straight queue of 3080 orders. They have the 3080 shambles to deal with along with every other component issue, shortage and demand during the pandemic.

It's like asking to call the final score in a Brazil vs Italy match 3 months prior to the game during Covid and then being critical of the inacuracy of the prediction when the game is postponed.
Of course I can get a refund but it's a bit late now, I made my bet on PCS at launch day, even with their total lack of transparency I expect I will still eventually receive what I paid for earlier than if I made a brand new order elsewhere now. I'd certainly think twice before purchasing anything from them again in future however. Again, my issue is not with the shortages or the length of the wait, but with the dreadful customer service and information that has accompanied that. It makes me worry about what happens if there is a fault or any other issue that means I might need to contact them again.

I understand that some things are logistically difficult, but other sellers manage it. If they can't find a way logistically to not sell the power supply that I paid for to someone else, then don't take my money until it's actually reserved.

And I'm just asking for some transparency. By all means tell me you don't know when Nvidia will deliver more cards, or how many. But don't repeatedly email me with an ETA that you know is blatantly untrue. Don't tell me it's first come first served when it isn't. Don't tell me you don't know how many other people ordered the card from you in the five minutes that passed between it becoming available and you taking my money.


Behold The Ford Mondeo
Of course I can get a refund but it's a bit late now, I made my bet on PCS at launch day, even with their total lack of transparency I expect I will still eventually receive what I paid for earlier than if I made a brand new order elsewhere now. I'd certainly think twice before purchasing anything from them again in future however. Again, my issue is not with the shortages or the length of the wait, but with the dreadful customer service and information that has accompanied that. It makes me worry about what happens if there is a fault or any other issue that means I might need to contact them again.

I understand that some things are logistically difficult, but other sellers manage it. If they can't find a way logistically to not sell the power supply that I paid for to someone else, then don't take my money until it's actually reserved.

And I'm just asking for some transparency. By all means tell me you don't know when Nvidia will deliver more cards, or how many. But don't repeatedly email me with an ETA that you know is blatantly untrue. Don't tell me it's first come first served when it isn't. Don't tell me you don't know how many other people ordered the card from you in the five minutes that passed between it becoming available and you taking my money.

Again, you are throwing out broad generalisations as fact with absolutely no basis. If you keep this up, you will receive a warning and/or a ban.

Your expectations are unrealistic, that's the issue here. Not the handling of the situation.

I honestly don't get how you can be so obtuse to this when I've written the reasoning, behind the information you have received, multiple times now.

You are slating PCS customer service which is exemplary in my experience. I've been on here for a number of years helping out members who often become customers. You've been on here for a relative 5 minutes and likely only joined to get a 3080, only to whine about the lack of transparency. The way you are voicing your opinion is completely against the rules.

If you can show me any custom PC builder who is doing something different I will be far more likely to listen. There is noone on the planet in any different a situation. At the moment you are coming across very childish and narrow minded with your opinion and views. If you actually had any history on this forum, in this community or from using PCS customer service then your opinion may have some basis or merit.

What transparency would you like that I haven't covered? Where you are in the queue? the 3080 queue? It won't make you any happier to find you are 400th in the queue.... will it? Of the 399 in front of you, some are also waiting on PSUs, some are waiting on CPUs, some are waiting on Cases, some are waiting on M2 drives. Of the 2500 behind you in the queue, they have possibly ordered parts that aren't often chosen and thus will jump ahead of you in the build queue as every item they need is in stock and only need a 3080 to clear the decks.

That's the way these things work, again I reiterate..... this changes minute by minute so the information cannot be given "transparently" as there is no way of knowing anything for certain. They will give you best estimate and not want to give you false hope by stating your place in the order queue..... you'll only moan about that as well.


New member
Again, you are throwing out broad generalisations as fact with absolutely no basis. If you keep this up, you will receive a warning and/or a ban.

Your expectations are unrealistic, that's the issue here. Not the handling of the situation.

I honestly don't get how you can be so obtuse to this when I've written the reasoning, behind the information you have received, multiple times now.

You are slating PCS customer service which is exemplary in my experience. I've been on here for a number of years helping out members who often become customers. You've been on here for a relative 5 minutes and likely only joined to get a 3080, only to whine about the lack of transparency. The way you are voicing your opinion is completely against the rules.

If you can show me any custom PC builder who is doing something different I will be far more likely to listen. There is noone on the planet in any different a situation. At the moment you are coming across very childish and narrow minded with your opinion and views. If you actually had any history on this forum, in this community or from using PCS customer service then your opinion may have some basis or merit.

What transparency would you like that I haven't covered? Where you are in the queue? the 3080 queue? It won't make you any happier to find you are 400th in the queue.... will it? Of the 399 in front of you, some are also waiting on PSUs, some are waiting on CPUs, some are waiting on Cases, some are waiting on M2 drives. Of the 2500 behind you in the queue, they have possibly ordered parts that aren't often chosen and thus will jump ahead of you in the build queue as every item they need is in stock and only need a 3080 to clear the decks.

That's the way these things work, again I reiterate..... this changes minute by minute so the information cannot be given "transparently" as there is no way of knowing anything for certain. They will give you best estimate and not want to give you false hope by stating your place in the order queue..... you'll only moan about that as well.
Regarding the people jumping ahead of the queue should their parts be in stock, I have been told by customer service that this shouldn't be happening. Despite this, it is very clear that it is happening and is one of the reasons why people are getting frustrated.

It doesn't matter whether their parts are in stock or not, they shouldn't jump ahead of anybody in the queue for a 3080 build with it apparently being first come, first serve. Especially not before giving the people at the front the option to change their build should an item be out of stock.


Again, you are throwing out broad generalisations as fact with absolutely no basis. If you keep this up, you will receive a warning and/or a ban.

Your expectations are unrealistic, that's the issue here. Not the handling of the situation.

I honestly don't get how you can be so obtuse to this when I've written the reasoning, behind the information you have received, multiple times now.

You are slating PCS customer service which is exemplary in my experience. I've been on here for a number of years helping out members who often become customers. You've been on here for a relative 5 minutes and likely only joined to get a 3080, only to whine about the lack of transparency. The way you are voicing your opinion is completely against the rules.

If you can show me any custom PC builder who is doing something different I will be far more likely to listen. There is noone on the planet in any different a situation. At the moment you are coming across very childish and narrow minded with your opinion and views. If you actually had any history on this forum, in this community or from using PCS customer service then your opinion may have some basis or merit.

What transparency would you like that I haven't covered? Where you are in the queue? the 3080 queue? It won't make you any happier to find you are 400th in the queue.... will it? Of the 399 in front of you, some are also waiting on PSUs, some are waiting on CPUs, some are waiting on Cases, some are waiting on M2 drives. Of the 2500 behind you in the queue, they have possibly ordered parts that aren't often chosen and thus will jump ahead of you in the build queue as every item they need is in stock and only need a 3080 to clear the decks.

That's the way these things work, again I reiterate..... this changes minute by minute so the information cannot be given "transparently" as there is no way of knowing anything for certain. They will give you best estimate and not want to give you false hope by stating your place in the order queue..... you'll only moan about that as well.
Just for comparison, NovaTech have everything listed.

You can see when they get deliveries and you get clear information about availability upfront. If you scroll down to the GPUs you'll see that
they listed when it will be in stock. According to their customer support, the store is up to date with minimal delay. I am not sure how good they are but this kind of transparency is great imo.
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Behold The Ford Mondeo
Just for comparison, NovaTech have everything listed.

You can see when they get deliveries and you get clear information about availability upfront. If you scroll down to the GPUs you'll see that
they listed when it will be in stock. According to their customer support, the store is up to date with minimal delay. I am not sure how good they are but this kind of transparency is great imo.

I would be absolutely flabbergasted if the information posted by them is accurate. According to that site they will have 3080s in stock by tomorrow. I don't for one minute believe this shows the reality of the queue.

Reading what it is saying, there is an assumption that the queue is zero and they will have all orders covered by tomorrow ready for new orders. If that is the case, they must be getting 1000s more GPUs than every other retailer in the world. There was a post with a european company posting up how many orders they have vs how many units they have received. It was posted via Gamers Nexus.

They were basically receiving 1% of the stock they required for the orders they had in place.

Novatech may well be receiving 3080s tomorrow.... but how many? How many are currently waiting and how many will be left over for new orders.

I would say that is being far more misleading to get new orders placed than what it is transparent. I would never advocate cancelling and purchasing elsewhere but I will state that if I had purchased on here and was in a large queue only to find another competitor legitimately had stock..... I would purchase there. I simply don't believe it's a true reflection.


Behold The Ford Mondeo
Regarding the people jumping ahead of the queue should their parts be in stock, I have been told by customer service that this shouldn't be happening. Despite this, it is very clear that it is happening and is one of the reasons why people are getting frustrated.

It doesn't matter whether their parts are in stock or not, they shouldn't jump ahead of anybody in the queue for a 3080 build with it apparently being first come, first serve. Especially not before giving the people at the front the option to change their build should an item be out of stock.

I honestly don't know. I can only suggest that would be the most likely occurrence. Don't get me wrong, it's not a case of cherry picking. I think it would be based on a number of factors. Here is a small example of my thinking....

System A - 300 in the queue - Waiting on GPU, Cooler, CPU & M2 drive coming into stock.
System B - 350 in the queue - Waiting on GPU, all other items in stock.

3080 GPU orders due in....

Orders 0-300 covered in order due 24th October
Orders 300-600 covered in order due 5th of November

Coolers due 5th of November
CPUs due 28th of October
M2 drives due 24th of October

There would be absolutely no point in issuing the 3080 GPU to system A on the 24th of October when the other items aren't going to be in stock until the 5th of November.... by which point the next 3080 order should be due in.

Now, bare in mind this is a very, very basic understanding of how the queue can fluctuate but I hope it simplifies my thinking of it enough to digest where it would make logical sense.

Edit: Just to add here. When you get to position 1 in the queue, if all your bits are in place you go into building. If they aren't, you will get put to the side with a new expected ETA based on the lead time of the furthest back part. I don't know how that side of the queue system will work as I can't suggest where you will re-enter the queue.


Active member
Of course I can get a refund but it's a bit late now, I made my bet on PCS at launch day, even with their total lack of transparency I expect I will still eventually receive what I paid for earlier than if I made a brand new order elsewhere now. I'd certainly think twice before purchasing anything from them again in future however. Again, my issue is not with the shortages or the length of the wait, but with the dreadful customer service and information that has accompanied that. It makes me worry about what happens if there is a fault or any other issue that means I might need to contact them again.

I understand that some things are logistically difficult, but other sellers manage it. If they can't find a way logistically to not sell the power supply that I paid for to someone else, then don't take my money until it's actually reserved.

And I'm just asking for some transparency. By all means tell me you don't know when Nvidia will deliver more cards, or how many. But don't repeatedly email me with an ETA that you know is blatantly untrue. Don't tell me it's first come first served when it isn't. Don't tell me you don't know how many other people ordered the card from you in the five minutes that passed between it becoming available and you taking my money.
I'm in agreement, customer support from PCS has been poor in my opinion. The automated emails are just terribly unhelpful. I ordered a few minutes after 3080 orders were available. It would be very helpful if they could share any information with me i.e we are sending out X builds a week, you are sitting as number Y in the queue. With a little bit of customer care, they could at least share some better ETA based on their current knowledge of stock/deliveries etc. It would just be nice to be realistic here, am i going to wait another month, or longer?

Either way, i've waited a month now, i am going to wait as long as it takes, but it doesn't make this customer experience any better.


I would be absolutely flabbergasted if the information posted by them is accurate. According to that site they will have 3080s in stock by tomorrow. I don't for one minute believe this shows the reality of the queue.

Reading what it is saying, there is an assumption that the queue is zero and they will have all orders covered by tomorrow ready for new orders. If that is the case, they must be getting 1000s more GPUs than every other retailer in the world. There was a post with a european company posting up how many orders they have vs how many units they have received. It was posted via Gamers Nexus.

They were basically receiving 1% of the stock they required for the orders they had in place.

Novatech may well be receiving 3080s tomorrow.... but how many? How many are currently waiting and how many will be left over for new orders.

I would say that is being far more misleading to get new orders placed than what it is transparent. I would never advocate cancelling and purchasing elsewhere but I will state that if I had purchased on here and was in a large queue only to find another competitor legitimately had stock..... I would purchase there. I simply don't believe it's a true reflection.
They had 2 GPUs available yesterday, I bought a full build from them. They sent me an email that my PC will arrive on Tuesday as I have to wait for the CPU. If I went for 3950X and a different PSU it would've been delivered this week. They had the GPU delivery date listed right after it went out of stock. It might be confidence in their supplier or a rough estimate. Or simply a straight out lie, who knows.

How it is in the reality I'll find out myself on Tuesday. I kept my order with PC Specialist and I will see which arrives faster and whichever I'm happy with I'll keep that one.

Due to current situation they don't allow for the purchase of the exact manufacturer and it's generic model like PCS offers. Customer service mentioned it's most likely Gigabyte.

I'm not trying to advertise a competitor or anything but the lack of information is frustrating. I don't know how popular they are in comparison with PCS and how many orders they're getting, the situation can be really different. Maybe they don't have that many PCs built but more so rely on selling separate components/peripherals. But it seems like they're trying to keep customers in the loop.


Scott thank you for explaining the way PCS operate, it makes sense that it would be a logistical nightmare to reserve 3080s for builds awaiting other parts. The gripe here is that a lot of what you are saying is at odds with the experience we've had.

For example, I emailed PCS last week to ask what the likelihood of receiving my build is before Xmas, as I'm due to move. They confirmed that once h115i cooler stock arrives on 16th October my PC would go into building, if not on 16th then certainly this week. I asked for explicit confirmation as to whether I was awaiting a 3080 due to what others have been told. I was told my order was not awaiting a 3080, it will be built once cooler arrives. I called PCS to confirm that the previous advisor was correct, and that they weren't just going off the generic ETA. Phone rep confirmed no wait for the 3080, and my order should be with me next week.

On Monday, I emailed PCS to ask whether the h115is had arrived to which I was told 'we don't know, we don't think so'. I asked whether switching to a h80i would speed up the build and confirmed AGAIN that it was just the cooler I was waiting on. The customer advisor confirmed, explained the h80i was in stock, made the amendment and emailed me to say it was processing. This amendment was made today.

I asked whether my order would now go into build and got the response ' I'm sorry I didn't realise you were waiting on a 3080, there is no ETA in these cards.

If I was told that at the start then I wouldn't have an issue. I get the point of wait and be patient but PCS have led me to believe my order was being completed due to the misinformation they have given me.

I have raised the matter with PCS customer services and they are looking into it. I understand the lack of 3080s isn't within their control but if they were all singing from the same hymnsheet there wouldn't be the Chinese whispers on this forum. Scott you are the only person that has provided a satisfactory and logical response but my point being it shouldn't be down to a moderator on a forum, we should be getting proactive messages from PCS regarding this. Like I said, I've raised it with PCS so I will give them a chance to respond.


Behold The Ford Mondeo
It's by no means an ideal situation and if I was in any of your shoes I would be annoyed too. It's testament to how good this 3000 series looks but I think Nvidia have borked the launch yet again as they just haven't made enough cards for the demand.


Behold The Ford Mondeo
Scott thank you for explaining the way PCS operate, it makes sense that it would be a logistical nightmare to reserve 3080s for builds awaiting other parts. The gripe here is that a lot of what you are saying is at odds with the experience we've had.

For example, I emailed PCS last week to ask what the likelihood of receiving my build is before Xmas, as I'm due to move. They confirmed that once h115i cooler stock arrives on 16th October my PC would go into building, if not on 16th then certainly this week. I asked for explicit confirmation as to whether I was awaiting a 3080 due to what others have been told. I was told my order was not awaiting a 3080, it will be built once cooler arrives. I called PCS to confirm that the previous advisor was correct, and that they weren't just going off the generic ETA. Phone rep confirmed no wait for the 3080, and my order should be with me next week.

On Monday, I emailed PCS to ask whether the h115is had arrived to which I was told 'we don't know, we don't think so'. I asked whether switching to a h80i would speed up the build and confirmed AGAIN that it was just the cooler I was waiting on. The customer advisor confirmed, explained the h80i was in stock, made the amendment and emailed me to say it was processing. This amendment was made today.

I asked whether my order would now go into build and got the response ' I'm sorry I didn't realise you were waiting on a 3080, there is no ETA in these cards.

If I was told that at the start then I wouldn't have an issue. I get the point of wait and be patient but PCS have led me to believe my order was being completed due to the misinformation they have given me.

I have raised the matter with PCS customer services and they are looking into it. I understand the lack of 3080s isn't within their control but if they were all singing from the same hymnsheet there wouldn't be the Chinese whispers on this forum. Scott you are the only person that has provided a satisfactory and logical response but my point being it shouldn't be down to a moderator on a forum, we should be getting proactive messages from PCS regarding this. Like I said, I've raised it with PCS so I will give them a chance to respond.

Please don't confuse my opinion with how it could work with how it actually works. I don't have any inside information or anything like that. I'm just trying to put reasoning behind the logic of why information isn't as cut and dry.

In your shoes I wouldn't be happy with that from PCS. I understand why it's happening, as everyone is under huge pressure and constant queries..... but that's no excuse for erroneous information.

Like you, I would have been very skeptical for them to state that I wasn't waiting on a 3080 given the current situation. I would probably raise that as a complaint if I were you. Do you have a note of the dates, times and people you were speaking to?

Crizzy G

Gold Level Poster
I read your post. They don't have to give out actual numbers if it's an NDA that's preventing them from providing reasonable customer service. They could say I'm 20% down the queue of people who ordered on launch day, and they've whittled it down by 10% in the time since then, so I could make my own estimates. Other resellers are making queue information available to their customers. I expect the reason they're not doing that is that they're selling things to people who've ordered later and are not operating a fair queuing system.

I paid £3k over a month ago. None of the parts other than the 3080 had shortages, nothing in any of their confirmation emails suggested their were shortages, and their customer support didn't tell me my build was waiting for anything other than a 3080 either. As soon as they took my money they should have reserved all of those parts. If they've really failed to get enough power supplies or whatever in then customer support should have told their customers that. And if it was in stock when I made my purchase, but they then cannibalised it for another build while my machine waited for it's 3080, then that is simply not acceptable. I've (and anyone in my position) already paid for those parts, they absolutely should not take them back and sell them to someone else while they hold onto my cash.
Have to agree with this guy here
I think there should he some sort of a visible queue.
If you look at terms and conditions (PSB). Wouldn't that mean PCS sort of have an obligation to tell you where you are. Yes I get we are in an exceptional circumstances. However that doesnt change the fact that people seem to be jumping the queue someway, somehow. If peoples orders have gone over 30 days as per 5.2 surely its PCS duty to prioritise these customers over people who have been in the system for less days?

If I'm wrong then I'm wrong but to me PCS would be doing their selves and customers a favour, by having some sort of transparency of when stock comes in.


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Please don't confuse my opinion with how it could work with how it actually works. I don't have any inside information or anything like that. I'm just trying to put reasoning behind the logic of why information isn't as cut and dry.

In your shoes I wouldn't be happy with that from PCS. I understand why it's happening, as everyone is under huge pressure and constant queries..... but that's no excuse for erroneous information.

Like you, I would have been very skeptical for them to state that I wasn't waiting on a 3080 given the current situation. I would probably raise that as a complaint if I were you. Do you have a note of the dates, times and people you were speaking to?
Yeah, mainly via email so I can dig that up. Have asked PCS to raise as a complaint. Thanks


Behold The Ford Mondeo
Have to agree with this guy here
I think there should he some sort of a visible queue.
If you look at terms and conditions (PSB). Wouldn't that mean PCS sort of have an obligation to tell you where you are. Yes I get we are in an exceptional circumstances. However that doesnt change the fact that people seem to be jumping the queue someway, somehow. If peoples orders have gone over 30 days as per 5.2 surely its PCS duty to prioritise these customers over people who have been in the system for less days?

If I'm wrong then I'm wrong but to me PCS would be doing their customers having some sort of transparency.

I agree that over 30 days you should definitely be getting prioritised, I don't think we are there yet though as my guess is it's working days?

The automated system gives an estimate, it's normally reasonably close to what you should expect as long as nothing untoward happens. This system, I'm guessing, relies upon the reliability of the supplier delivery information. We are all being told collectively to ignore the automated estimates at the moment. The reason for this is that the supplier delivery information is likely unrelable.

If you aren't sure when you are going to receive a delivery and you aren't sure what quantity is going to be in that delivery I don't think it's possible to give a reliable estimate.

You could, in theory, offer a fairly confident date for the first few people in the queue for the 3080, as you would presume you are going to get at least some but past that I don't think there is a reliable date to give. If you were hundereds deep in the queue you can be given a best estimate, but as I have explained..... by the time you get closer to the front it's highly likely that there have been a number of unexpected changes.

When dealing with a handful of orders a customer service team would have no issue going through and trying to work out a reasonable guess for when your order should reach building, but when dealing with 1000s of orders with so many unknowns it will become increasingly convoluted. The team won't be omnipotent either, they will be working as hard as they can and as best as they can to provide you with accurate information but the information they are receiving will be questionable too.

Assume positive intent. There is noone out to frustrate you. Everyone working in every company right now wants to do right by their customers and make people happy. If there was an unlimited supply of GPUs provided from Nvidia I doubt there would be too many complaints.

Lets approach it from a different angle, other than the 3080 thread there isn't much of an issue with supplies. The issue is almost completely down to the lack of 3080s from Nvidia and the various suppliers. There is also, of course, the consideration of the demand for these cards which is fairly unprecedented.

Crizzy G

Gold Level Poster
I agree that over 30 days you should definitely be getting prioritised, I don't think we are there yet though as my guess is it's working days?

The automated system gives an estimate, it's normally reasonably close to what you should expect as long as nothing untoward happens. This system, I'm guessing, relies upon the reliability of the supplier delivery information. We are all being told collectively to ignore the automated estimates at the moment. The reason for this is that the supplier delivery information is likely unrelable.

If you aren't sure when you are going to receive a delivery and you aren't sure what quantity is going to be in that delivery I don't think it's possible to give a reliable estimate.

You could, in theory, offer a fairly confident date for the first few people in the queue for the 3080, as you would presume you are going to get at least some but past that I don't think there is a reliable date to give. If you were hundereds deep in the queue you can be given a best estimate, but as I have explained..... by the time you get closer to the front it's highly likely that there have been a number of unexpected changes.

When dealing with a handful of orders a customer service team would have no issue going through and trying to work out a reasonable guess for when your order should reach building, but when dealing with 1000s of orders with so many unknowns it will become increasingly convoluted. The team won't be omnipotent either, they will be working as hard as they can and as best as they can to provide you with accurate information but the information they are receiving will be questionable too.

Assume positive intent. There is noone out to frustrate you. Everyone working in every company right now wants to do right by their customers and make people happy. If there was an unlimited supply of GPUs provided from Nvidia I doubt there would be too many complaints.

Lets approach it from a different angle, other than the 3080 thread there isn't much of an issue with supplies. The issue is almost completely down to the lack of 3080s from Nvidia and the various suppliers. There is also, of course, the consideration of the demand for these cards which is fairly unprecedented.
I'm on 35 days now and I'm sure there are a couple over or quite near. Granted that I placed my order before the 17th but that doesnt change how many days I've been waiting thats not how logistics works. Also nowhere in the terms and conditions does it say that days are subtracted if you change/add something to your order.

I agree it be hard to give a date. But not hard to say your this number for nxt build or 3080 then say how much stock you have received for that week. That way I know yes my order is being prioritised. Yes my build is still not built but I can see my queue number has gone down relative to the stock that they just got in.

Sorry if I come across rude I don't mean to.

However yes nvidea is wholly do blame. However I feel PCS is doing their customers a disservice not being transparent.

It could be that people are just lying and saying they got their builds even though they put their order in like 'yesterday' but again transparency would solve this.
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