PCS really need more water-cooling systems?..COMMENT WHAT YOU!


Master Poster
i Would love to do that, but im not 100% sure how to. i've done research and theres like only 1 or 2 pointless tuts.
try PCWizkid or throw lifehacker.com an email - they will help you in a jiffy. Lifehacker make tutorials all the time for that sort of thing. At the moment they are doing a quite nice build a computer series. :)


Gold Level Poster
OK, the liquid coolers we use are closed loop. Designed for ease of use and fitting. Very similar to other offerings from Corsair, Antec etc.

The type of cooling you are generally talking about are verging on custom loops. Its a whole new level of watercooling which requires much more intervention from the customer etc.

We have discussed these but always come up with the problems of transportation and much greater reliance on the customer knowing what they are doing (filling resovoirs etc).

Any suggestions on how we can overcome these issues without causing us a major increase in supporting them, fixing them when they are damaged in transit, or not used properly etc, then we are all ears.

What about adding the corsair H100?..it's really good:).
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Master Poster
the corsair h100 has a flashy temp gauge on the cpu cover so show it even if it doesnt have luminous pipes.


Author Level
I Care actually, And it makes the computer cool and better overclocked speeds. what do you mean you don't see it?.. off course you do!-.-.

Very debatable. A good air cooler such as the megahalem will outdo most of those AIO (all-in-one) WC solutions. (Even the H70/H80). Rumour has it the H100 will still struggle to beat those top of the market air coolers.

Now, an EK HF Supreme, decent set of rads and a D5 Laing and you're in a totally different league...
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Biblical Poster
I dont like waterxooling, i go with the original, water and electronics do not mix, and this is why i go with air, if it was completely copper pipes then i might consider this, it will be much more reliable and less likely to burst, i will be keeping with my titan thank you


Master Poster
what about that then?


Master Poster
thats actually mineral oil (doesnt conduct electricity) its a working pc and kits are easy enough to find to upgrade your current pc to this .


Master Poster
dont think you can get any more stable than a oil dipped pc though tbh just it may be a bit messy upgrading.


Biblical Poster
Thats not a case its literally a fishtank, it would be very useful for the grphics card although not needed for anything else really