



The BSOD Doctor
Many years ago, when they still gave out packets of nuts on commercial flights, I had some fun with an American Airlines flight attendant.

She plonked down my paper napkin and small packet of nuts and started serving the people in the seats on the opposite side of the aisle. My packet of nuts was face down, so I read the large font notice on the back: Warning, this product may contain nuts. When it was my turn to be served I told the flight attendant that I had a small problem with the warning on the back of my packet of nuts. She explained that the FAA requires that notice in case passengers have a nut allergy. I told her that I understood that, my problem was with the use of the word 'may'. She gave me a blank stare, so I explained that I require it to contain nuts and if there was any doubt about this packet could I please have one that definitely contains nuts?

That's where I learned that a) Americans don't understand irony and b) it's never wise to annoy a flight attendant at the start of an 8 hour flight.....

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Many years ago, when they still gave out packets of nuts on commercial flights, I had some fun with an American Airlines flight attendant.

She plonked down my paper napkin and small packet of nuts and started serving the people in the seats on the opposite side of the aisle. My packet of nuts was face down, so I read the large font notice on the back: Warning, this product may contain nuts. When it was my turn to be served I told the flight attendant that I had a small problem with the warning on the back of my packet of nuts. She explained that the FAA requires that notice in case passengers have a nut allergy. I told her that I understood that, my problem was with the use of the word 'may'. She gave me a blank stare, so I explained that I require it to contain nuts and if there was any doubt about this packet could I please have one that definitely contains nuts?

That's where I learned that a) Americans don't understand irony and b) it's never wise to annoy a flight attendant at the start of an 8 hour flight.....

well its a fair question, homer doesn't like ambiguity with there nuts
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We love you Ukraine
@SpyderTracks what about you 😂

My truth is that in my middle years:

A: I'm pretty much housebound, I use sandals as slippers, handy for going outdoors for a ciggy

B: My lockdown belly is still ever present, and truth be told, putting on shoes is a serious effort! Like I have to hold my breath and expend an awful lot of energy bending down!!! So after putting on shoes and tying up the laces, I pretty much feel the need for a nap.



My truth is that in my middle years:

A: I'm pretty much housebound, I use sandals as slippers, handy for going outdoors for a ciggy

B: My lockdown belly is still ever present, and truth be told, putting on shoes is a serious effort! Like I have to hold my breath and expend an awful lot of energy bending down!!! So after putting on shoes and tying up the laces, I pretty much feel the need for a nap.

Totally know where you are coming from mate, I've got a pair of slippers, that the backs are broken down on, so i can just slip my feet in

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