Great to see everyone doing well mate. Take it all in as much as you can, take pictures (Pre & post bump), get a timeline and a story to show the little guy when he is older 
Make sure you do it with the first though, if a second comes along you'll just leave them to fend for themselves as you've seen it, done it and bought alllllll the t-shirts
FYI, I have about 3,000,000 pictures of my first, and around 18 of my second. I love them both equally and unconditionally, it's just the way things go when you've seen it all before
Make sure you do it with the first though, if a second comes along you'll just leave them to fend for themselves as you've seen it, done it and bought alllllll the t-shirts
FYI, I have about 3,000,000 pictures of my first, and around 18 of my second. I love them both equally and unconditionally, it's just the way things go when you've seen it all before