Anyone upset/disappointed it is going to be a stand alone? Surely it can only be a good thing?
Anyone upset/disappointed it is going to be a stand alone? Surely it can only be a good thing?
defo a good thing mate, hes probably going to use Arma III's engine, that looks bloody good! Rocket will be able to do whatever he wants with the game, without being restricted to change things. Like the crazy zombie running, or the ease for hackers, or the stupid tents/vehicles making copies of everything.
A pain we have to buy dayz standalone, but the way i look at it, if we all didnt bother to buy arma II just for dayz, it wouldnt be happening. Plus its certainly the best game I've played for a long time.
With a bullet?![]()
very dodgy B-movie horror film suspense![]()
which would hopefully go away with a stand alone game that incorporates a proper cheat prevention system (not that pile of pants that ArmA seems to use)
lol I forgot about the guy that me and corfate failed to kill last night.
It was a dark dark night, in the middle of the woods, lost and confused we headed towards some lone buildings. made our way into a small building, shut the doors as all we wanted to do was make a fire and wait for the dark to go away........
So there we was sat there preparing our fireplace, then all of a sudden, a bandit yelled out "friendly? the two guys in the hut, you friendly?" Corfate went white with fear, whilst I quietly said, "yyeeeerrr we friendly.......please dont shoot us..... :surrender:"
The man opened the door, walked slowly into the room, with gear coming out of his ears......then said "you guys aint got nvg's"...........At that point staring at the bandit with all his heart pounding........corfate's face still white, I could see his knees shaking.........
I suddenly screamed to corfate, "Kill him.... Kill him now!!".............we both opened fire.......I fired 30 rounds from my M16, whilst Corfate was firing his trusty Enfield.......yet the bandit still lived........he slowly turned to myself and said, " ya gonna get it now " ....... I continued to fire........ the bandit fired shots from a handgun into me, knocking me unconscious and breaking my leg......He then suddenly vanished from sight as the sly bandit pressed Alt-f4......leaving corfate to put on his medic hat and treat my wounds.........
am done now, that happened last night, I think the guy alt-f4'd when he died!
Well, lol as rocket has teamed up with Bohemia (who made arma) he's probably going to use battle eye too!
I do look forward to it, but I am very cynical and cant see it coming any time soon without the bugs, I also think this alpha may have turned into more a of a clever marketing idea/ploy to boost Arma II sales. It seems now we have to buy the dayz game with bugs etc, even though we bought arma for dayz with bugs.......
if anyone needs help updating dayz and ARma patches let me know, I think ave cracked it.
Say what..........:whistling: