So, given my long and uninvolved absence, I shall set a challenge to you all! Help me get a little caught up with all I've missed!
When I was last active it was all about AMD processors in their AM4 socket and Intel were really just handy CPU's to get your house fire started. Mind you we would all have a chuckle at folks buying OC'd 5950X's for their gaming rig as the complexity of how modern CPU's worked back then wasn't quite so clear to the average Joe. Has the logic changed at all?
The X570 board was the bees knees, and everyone was waiting for months for the coveted 3090 GPU.
So, what's changed since then? What are the best combo's at the mo for light workflow stuff, basic gaming stuff, and the all-out no-expense-spared rigs?
My Ryzen 5600X is still keeping up incredibly well, running the majority of games sees well below 40% CPU utilisation and the load is all on the GPU, although I expect there are more and more games out there now that can use multi-threading much more effectively than previously? However with my cheapy and lean running 4060ti (just needed an 8 pin PCIe power plug added to my so-far-quite trusty TX550 PSU) and my 32GB RAM (despite being the odler DDR4) my set up will keep me happy for a while longer yet. The GPU has actually made quite a difference to my Lightroom workflow with MUCH quicker export times for example when they are processed by the GPU rather than the CPU.
Nonetheless, my somewhat ill-advised initial purchase has still allowed me to upgrade some aspects as timer has gone by, giving me the sort of future proofing that the guidance on this forum is all about.
Even if I should have heeded your advice first time around (ahem) and perhaps even come here before my upgrades too (ahem). I'll learn eventually!!!
When I was last active it was all about AMD processors in their AM4 socket and Intel were really just handy CPU's to get your house fire started. Mind you we would all have a chuckle at folks buying OC'd 5950X's for their gaming rig as the complexity of how modern CPU's worked back then wasn't quite so clear to the average Joe. Has the logic changed at all?
The X570 board was the bees knees, and everyone was waiting for months for the coveted 3090 GPU.
So, what's changed since then? What are the best combo's at the mo for light workflow stuff, basic gaming stuff, and the all-out no-expense-spared rigs?
My Ryzen 5600X is still keeping up incredibly well, running the majority of games sees well below 40% CPU utilisation and the load is all on the GPU, although I expect there are more and more games out there now that can use multi-threading much more effectively than previously? However with my cheapy and lean running 4060ti (just needed an 8 pin PCIe power plug added to my so-far-quite trusty TX550 PSU) and my 32GB RAM (despite being the odler DDR4) my set up will keep me happy for a while longer yet. The GPU has actually made quite a difference to my Lightroom workflow with MUCH quicker export times for example when they are processed by the GPU rather than the CPU.
Nonetheless, my somewhat ill-advised initial purchase has still allowed me to upgrade some aspects as timer has gone by, giving me the sort of future proofing that the guidance on this forum is all about.