It's treated me well Nursemorph! 10 years old now and still behaving for the most part! I added one of the only small form factor GPU's I could find 8 years ago and also the best compatibale LGA1155 socket CPU I could find more recently to try to keep it alive, but alas it is time to turn into a school web search and word machine from here on. Linux Mint may be calling too perhaps.....Now all you need is the removal of that "thing" that presumably calls itself a computer!! Looks like you put it through a car compactorOr maybe it's designed so cats can use it? Can be tough for them to reach the buttons on a full size tower
I previously had a desk unit made for it as it was in a spare bedroom - with room for the tower, printer and paper and all that - and a pull out keybord shelf - hidden behind two soft close doors with a little fold up stool.
I am actually looking forward to having a bigger block shortly. It will fit neatly on the little Hama wheels thingy (handy also for better PSU airflow) and sit in the same position straddling the leg of the new IKEA table. A little gentle RGB should help make it a bit more of a feature I hope!