i personally think it should stay how it cureently is with pcs.co.uk redirecting to pcspecialist.co.uk you can still advertise pcs.co.uk and it will just redirect, ive been on a few sites from ads which redirect and some say just to google it
I would most definetly vote for "pcspecialist.co.uk" over "pcs.co.uk" anytime. It just make more sense.
a) I bough my PC from PC specialist <--- ah OK, people who specialize in PC's (or PC specialist) .
b) I bought my PC from PCS <-- ehm who? You meant CCL, CSL or DFS!
Dunno how you look at it, but seems pretty straight forward to me. I would also suggest than SEO wise PCspecialist will be much easier to advertise over unknown PCS abbreviation. I'm only guessing but there might be many companies bearing PCS initials, while pcspecialist is the only one.
I guess I see your point, when it is easier to spell/type email or website using just pcs, rather than the full name. But you might loosing quite a bit of your own identity which PCspecialist already collected. For me, it just stands more out as PCspecialist <- cause that's who you are, while PCS means nothing to an average Joe.
At the end of the day, PCS, if not said correctly, or written in capitals, to the leyman is simply the plural of PC
It doesnt really give you the identity you surely need to expand?
As others have elluded to, one day you might be known to the masses as PCS, whilst still being PCSpecialist as a brand. And you are right to use the examples you gave, because they too started WITHOUT the shorter versions of their names...pretty sure when HP started in that shed with the blue door they didnt call themselves HP
This really is a tricky one isnt it? I suppose its a judgement call really, and one that hopefully wouldnt backfire either way!
I am sure you'll be consulting professional Webvertisers about this too, and not just us muggles that seem to linger months on from our purchases
the difference is, companies like HP were known all over the place and therefore werent attracting people who hadnt heard of them much, whereas not many people know about PCS and therefore it would not make sense (like this post)
I think you should keep the website URL as pcspecialist.co.uk, because as people have said its your brand and its what new customers will hear you as, thats what I tell people you are anyway. But, im sure you already do, you should redirect, when typed into any search engine, PCS or pcs to pcspecialist.co.uk. the idea is good, but I think in terms of company growth it is better to stick wit pcspecialist.co.uk because then people will know you specialise in pcs and arent just a 'high street reseller'.
P.s. I hope that makes sense, because it does in my head. Lol.