Tell your mate to save his hard earned money and steer well clear of Intel.
New AMD laptops are announced at CES in January, so I would advise them both to wait until then.
There is absolutely no reason to go with a 360hz monitor unless you're playing competitive shooters at 1080p at the very highest level i.e professionally, except for wanting MoAr FrAmEs.
How many tabs do you have open? I just opened 50, plus a streaming platform on a separate display and it...
The truth is that your budget is too low for a suitable, upgradeable custom PC. Even at 1080p, we're looking at around £1600-£1700 at the moment. Even cutting a few corners, which we try not to do, it's not possible to trim off £600+.
My advice would be to put some more money aside or, if...
The point is that no-one can edit the build you create, which is why we ask for the link.
The only link posted is the one by Figment, which you've changed and not for the better.
Corsair currently have some crazy savings on their coolers.
£160 off the H170i. Currently £159.99
Agreed, I've been using it since shortly after it was released and have found it to be stable, responsive and easy to navigate. In fact, it was that stable I didn't even realise it was still in Beta.
I would have read the "Please read before posting" thread Ekans linked to, but we can't all be A* students. ;)
At the very least we need a maximum budget, I think the rest has been loosely covered.
Given the new Nvidia GPU's that are due in the new year, buying a 4090 now seems like an incredible waste of money.
You'll also not see any benefit from just the one SSD. In fact, it'll reduce performance in the longer term when it fills up.