Hello, this is the english forum, so you have to speak in english
but a google trad go and you're good :D
Hello, c'est le forum anglais, donc il faudrait que tu ecrives en anglais ^^
Un coup de google trad et ça serait bon ^^
Anyway, to answer your question, the 14th intel gen is around the...
The cpu is 2 generations old, so, even if you want to go to the intel route, you should go for the 14th generation
And AMD is better than intel theses days.
It's not the repartition that's weird (although), it's the SSD model choice that is, like, the 990 pro is the best suited for the OS, not...
She lost me at the honey ...
Come on, I know you're not known for your culinary recipe, but camembert with honey ...
Chilly flakes ...
Do you want to eat camembert or a monstrosity ?
@HomerJ, with all my respect, never do that again, or you may start a new france-england 100 years war XD
Oh, can i have life is strange ? Pretty please.
edit : I did not read your message before writing mine @SpyderTracks, do you fancy a wheel to separate us ?
I'm not the best with desktop PC, but don't go for that build ^^"
I'll let the other desktop experienced people answer you to their best
Oh, and can you give us more informations, like what kind of monitor you have, what's your budget, etc ...
I'm not a pro at desktop pc, but i can tell you this without a doubt, don't go for that build
The cpu is no good (2 gen older - AMD may be better), the storage is weird
You definitely want to upgrade the warranty
So, if you can wait, i'll let the desktop pro answer to their best ^^
Steam sell the bundle of the orc must die franchise at -76%
I must admit that i really enjoyed the 1st game, so i can recommand it for this price ^^