Recent content by Rakk

  1. Rakk

    PCSPECIALIST Bluetooth Dongle doesn’t work

    Please try and keep to one thread - I have merged both of yours together as they were asking the same thing
  2. Rakk

    PCSPECIALIST I’ve messed up. Kind of

    The 14700k wont have issues - but yeah better bang for your buck with AMD at the mo for CPU's.
  3. Rakk

    PCSPECIALIST Coil Whine + small rattling sound with no apparent cause

    If you could just stick to one thread please (yes I removed your other one), you can bump this thread lightly if no-one replies in a reasonable time
  4. Rakk

    PCSPECIALIST Possible build for office work and occasional gaming.

    Heya, I have merged your threads together - please keep to one thread please, it makes a lot it easier for people to see what have been said, asked and answered before
  5. Rakk

    PCSPECIALIST 1440p High FPS Spec

    I have merged your threads together - please try to keep to one thread, makes it far easier for people to see what's been asked, answered and said before
  6. Rakk

    PCSPECIALIST Ionico issue

    @bladteth please note I have moved your question to its own thread as it should have originally been its own anyways, also you were replying to a 2 year old thread anyway which is never the best thing to do
  7. Rakk

    PCSPECIALIST Can my PC handle GTA V?

    As a reminder to any of the people whose posts I have removed - lets try not to bite peoples heads off please - especially when they havent actually done anything except ask one question Its easily possibly the OP didn't reply because they realised they were in the wrong place
  8. Rakk

    PCSPECIALIST Sales advice needed

    Btw, I have merged your threads together, it is best to stick to one thread cos then stuff doesnt get re-asked and answered multiple times
  9. Rakk


    GreendU's post was a few comments about the game just mentioned so looks fine to me And wouldnt be the first time someone has read the percentage off as the percentage to pay :)
  10. Rakk


    Please note you are replying to a 4-year old thread and the original posted hasnt been on for a while - you would be better starting up your own thread to get advice about your issue
  11. Rakk

    PCSPECIALIST New PC Microsoft Store issues

    Yeah if you've tried various things your best bet will unfortunately be a full clean install of Windows (it is a known issues in Widows currently) Mostly you can ignore the warnings and errors in the event log - most are just part and parcel of windows - in fact thats how some scammers try to...
  12. Rakk

    PCSPECIALIST unable to access due to admin restrictions

    Whilst that may have fixed that issue for the time being if you have one permissions issue like that then you may find more later - cos that just shouldn't happen
  13. Rakk

    PCSPECIALIST Anti Virus advice/Help

    Same suggestion as DarkPaladin from me as well - Windows Defender with the occasioanl malware scan from MalwareBytes (the free version)
  14. Rakk

    PCSPECIALIST Review e consigli configurazione Mini da Gaming

    Hi These are the English forums, so if you want to post here it needs to be in English please, if you want to post in Italian there are the Italian forums here :
  15. Rakk

    PCSPECIALIST Microsoft Store Stuck on Pending

    Unfortunately I've seen this a number of times in these forums and in Discord, but if the other suggestions don't work then a Windows reinstall is unfortunately your best plan in many cases as it means something has probably gone slightly wonky in the initial installation of Windows :(