Recent content by davhun

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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    But it does't have wing mirrors.
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    PCSPECIALIST Great laptop and customer service

    I like mine too.
  3. D

    PCSPECIALIST sticky laptop

    If you stop eating your cream layered chocolate fudgecake the problem will probably go away.
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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    A single peacock feather won't do. So are two peacock feathers a dodo or a nono.
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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    My wife and I had an arrangement. I went to work and she did the cooking.
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    PCSPECIALIST I need to upgrade my sons PC - Help

    One more question, What monitors do you and your son use. Unfortunately I am not a gamer and I leave it to someone with more knowledge than me to compare both computers and make suggestions.
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    PCSPECIALIST I need to upgrade my sons PC - Help

    Only you and your son know what you use the computer for and where the performance might be lacking. What sort of improvement do you think you need. Is this for general work or gaming?
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    PCSPECIALIST Compatible lightweight charger for the Ionico III 15 laptop

    I can make a suggestion based only on a charger connected to the laptop USB-type C Thunderbolt 4 socket or via a hub having a PD socket. I bought the Nexode 100 watt charger solely for charging my Ionica 16 but it has other outputs which you...
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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    Don't take your clothes off
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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    What was your last job. Santa Claws?
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    PCSPECIALIST The CES 2025 Thread

    UGreen are at CES
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    PCSPECIALIST Help an old fart catch up.....

    There is nothing scientific here, you are just pissed.
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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    Someone let me know when all that crap finally disapears. Meanwhile a holiday from this forum would not be ammiss
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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    29th February on non leap years would be even cheaper