What was your first car?


Rising Star
My first car was a Ford Escort Mark 1 you could unlock it and start it with a 1 p coin but a great car nonetheless, my second was a Silver Ford Capri Ghia which I wrecked on the very first night of driving it :(


Grand Master
1971 Hillman Imp, that I bought for £60 in 1985, that unfortunately didn't survive me getting lost driving down a country lane in thick fog, when a wild 90 degree bend suddenly appeared in front of me. Felt like I rolled the car about 10 times, reality I rolled it once.

First brand new car was a 1990 Fiesta XR2i when car insurance was still reasonable. Was 25 and paid £336 for car insurance including protected no claims.
My insurance isn’t a great deal more than that now for a much more powerful car, but I am not 25 and don’t live in a city.


Grand Master
My first car was a Ford Escort Mark 1 you could unlock it and start it with a 1 p coin but a great car nonetheless, my second was a Silver Ford Capri Ghia which I wrecked on the very first night of driving it :(
My first car was a mini and it didn’t seem like there were many variations on the key design across the model range. I once got into ‘my’ car using my keys and was just starting it when I thought “someone has been putting their rubbish in my car”. I realised the error of my ways. Locked the car and found my real car a few bays away in the car park.


Author Level
My first car was a brand new F reg Vauxhall Nova 5 door 1.2 in dark / navy blue. £99 deposit and monthly payments.

Picked it up the same day my older brother got his Vauxhall Cavalier so we had consecutive number plates LOL :D


At Least I Have Chicken
My first car was a brand new F reg Vauxhall Nova 5 door 1.2 in dark / navy blue. £99 deposit and monthly payments.
Ah, the Nova. Fondly known as the Nedmobile or Chavwagon by certain people in particular social circles, although I must admit I retain a fondness for the model.

It had the worst security in the world, you could unlock it and start the engine just by giving it a dirty look. And it also had the structural integrity of a wet paper bag, a lad I was in a band with accidentally reversed into a bollard at less than 5mph in his Nova when we went to Blackpool and the entire back end split. Not going to lie, we still drove home but it was only when the rear window fell out on the motorway that he decided to keep it under 50mph.

He got a Renault 19 after that, great for transporting the band but was about as much fun as diarrhoea in a spacesuit.


Well-known member
Ford Fiesta - think 1990 model. H REG. it had the old granny seats, 4 gears and a manual choke.


Well-known member
A clapped out Ford Cortina Mk1, in blue. 1300 I think.
The starter motor would stick regularly and wouldn't start it. It happened once at my in-laws.
Father-in-law told me to whip it out, the starter motor that is, then he gave me a rag n a can of WD 40 n told me to clean up the bendix. Never had a problem after that.
The car cost me £100, tpft insurance was £150. I ran it for a year, then got sent to Cyprus for a couple of years. So I scapped it and got £50 for it.
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My first car that I bought with my own money I still have, it's been relegated to the dog car but it's still going strong

2009 Renault Megane VT3 Expression

First first car was a 2004 Focus that my brother owned, he travels most of the year with work so this was my day to day car for a few years


Behold The Ford Mondeo
My first car was a 1.3L Peugeot 309 GE. My Papa gave me it a couple of days after I passed my test. Even helped with the insurance etc.

First car I purchased was a 1.4L Nissan Almera Si. Loved that car, actually traded it in for the same money I bought it for. Unheard of :D


Mine (bought with my own money) was a 1.0L Austin Metro in baby-sick yellow. Car cost £600 in 1990 and the insurance was the same amount.



That is a horrific car
I was infinitely better than what I had previously (which was nothing), and was saving me £50/week in taxi fares when I was on the late shift and public transport had stopped.

I rapidly moved on once I had a better paying job:
  1. 1980-ish 1.0L Austin Metro
  2. VW Polo GT 1.3 Coupe
  3. VW Polo G40 Coupe
  4. e34 BMW 520i Sport (wanted a 535i but insurance was terrible)
  5. VW Corrado VR6
  6. Modified Corrado VR6
  7. e34 M5 3.6L
  8. Jaguar XJ6 3.2
  9. e34 M5 3.8L
  10. e86 Z4MC
  11. Modified e86 Z4MC
  12. Alfa 147 JTD
  13. Alfa 147 JTDm
  14. e46 BMW 330D M-Sport
  15. F31 BMW 320D M-Sport
  16. Supercharged e86 Z4MC (in progress)
Still own the green ones

robin h 25

Well-known member
This was my very first car...
Ford Fiesta XR2.jpg

^ not my car but had it in the same colour,

Ford Fiesta XR2, bought it in around 1998 i think for about £800, Then sold it in around mid 2000 but no one were buying these at that time, Had it up for sale at £500, in the end i only got £150 for it,

Though, it make me wish i had kept it considering how much they selling for today - £15,000 is about the going price right now.

Most cars depreciate over time but we never know which ones will just shoot up and when.

My boss at the work place i worked at, at the time, He got himself a Subaru Impreza 22B on the day it went on sale in the UK and he sold it about a year and a half later,
Thinking back now, I feel very lucky to have had 3 passenger rides in that 22B,
I had seen my ex boss back in 2016 ( not seen him in 15 years - 2001 - 2016) ) He's kicking him self for selling that 22B, today that thing is worth some serious money.


Bronze Level Poster
I shared my Mum's old Ford Fiesta with my sister when my Mum bought a newer one.

After it broke a little end I bought a Toyota Yaris which I had for 10 years.


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