What are your top 3 games?


At the mo:

Sleeping Dogs
DmC: Devil May Cry - Absolutely played that to death a few months ago.


Rising Star
Still, for a f2p game i think its pretty good. Its still got me hooked and i havent spent a penny yet, although those starships are AWFULLY tempting...

It's a very good game, and I love it and the franchise, but for some reason I can't play it for more than a few days at a time before I end up playing something else for a couple of months, I think it's because the controls aren't very intuitive and I keep having to do the intro over and over to relearn them each time and ofcourse I get into that frame of "meh ive seen this already its boring" mind.


Rising Star
It's a very good game, and I love it and the franchise, but for some reason I can't play it for more than a few days at a time before I end up playing something else for a couple of months, I think it's because the controls aren't very intuitive and I keep having to do the intro over and over to relearn them each time and ofcourse I get into that frame of "meh ive seen this already its boring" mind.

This situation has completely changed over the last three weeks!

I originally purchased the pre-order digital deluxe version of Star Trek Online and played the first month, it was during this month I simply could not get into the game; I would create a character and mission till level three or four then mysteriously get lost on ESD without any missions, run around ESD for an hour and get frustrated and log out. Then a few days later I would start the whole process again with a new character and always at the same point get lost again, rinse repeat.

I also found the control method not very intuitive and quite clunky, space flight especially made my hands and fingers ache trying to play WASD (more about that later).

Suffice to say I didn't renew after the first month.

Three weeks ago I decided to give it another shot as my group of friends I play RIFT with have all gotten busy in life and I'm at a point where there's only group content left in RIFT and I won't do "pick up" grouping in MMO's for endgame stuff (far too much can go wrong and they get frustrating), and wow!

For some reason it feels like a completely different game, I've really gotten absorbed in the storyline and maybe even a little addicted to the game (logged off fell into bed at 4am this morning, got up for work at 6am! Time flies and all that). I think one of the biggest things that has helped me is I've actually learned how to fly ships properly, I never realised before that you could use both mouse buttons to bank and turn the ship, it's so much easier now I don't have to twist my hands into odd shapes to use the keyboard.

I also love what they've done to ESD, it's far easier to navigate, makes much more sense and is a million times more pleasing to the eye.

I'm having so much fun now that that it took me less than two weeks playing to hit 50 on my first character and 20 on my second, and I haven't even seen a fraction of the content, I would highly recommend STO to anyone :)

Anyway, enough of my rambling, it's my break time and I have to go VM STO and set up my DOffs duty missions ;)

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In no particular order.
Fallout (all of them)
Deus ex
Metro last light.
They tend to change every week or so though :)


Biblical Poster
Wow I thought I had a lot on WaW, more than 400 hours on multiplayer alone, doesn't include zombies, singleplayer, private matches and menu time. 90% of that was in about the space of a year as well xD


Gold Level Poster
The only thing I've really played properly since I returned to PC gaming is Tropico 4.
There's so much out there I don't know where to start, so for now mine is;
1 - Tropico 4
2 - Tropico 4
3 - Tropico 4
Couldn't do top three of all time without a gun to my head! Right now its:

1. Europa Universalis 4
2. World of Tanks
3. Automation (It's a beta for a car design/tycoon game. Mostly just building motors and a few body styles at the moment but they're hopefully going to make it like Detroit in the end. One for car geeks only).


Hmmm...I'm struggling to differentiate fav games of all time vs currently. In the last 12 months I have completed Crysis, Crysis 2, Far Cry 3, Tomb Raider, Metro 2033, Metro Last Light, Diablo 3 (sort of completed), Hitman Absolution and played a shedload of BF4.

The only game I'm playing right now is State of Decay. Which after a long time trying to force myself to like DayZ, is flippin' brilliant.

If you like Zombie Survival, get State of Decay in a sale.

#1: State of Decay
#2: Bioshock Infinite (not convinced yet, but we will see)
#3: Kerbal Space Program


Prolific Poster
In no particular order:

DayZ (with a massive update :D ), Payday 2 (with new dlc), Battlefield Hardline (Just because it's free and I may as well try it out, but not sure if I like it yet)