Vortex II: 17.3 new build and queries


Active member
I had replied to your previous post but maybe it was deleted or server issues... or I'm just going insane :)

To summarise my original long response I had preferred Matte for it's more accurate colours for design purposes and also potentially reducing eye strain and Computer Vision Syndrome. Supposedly Matte can help with this but it's not definitive, whilst I appreciate glossy can appear more vivid and better for Games/Films I wonder if it's worth the slight boost to further strain your eyes and deal with reflections. £89 is a significant price though and It could save me money or go towards boosting another part of the system, but my primary motive at the moment is considering that I will use this new laptop for a ridiculous amount of hours per day and week so eye strain is a sensible investment. I totally appreciate your feedback though and the thought of manually upgrading in a way without voiding warranty is an interesting option to consider and like you say spreading out the cost could be handy. I've looked at a lot of comparative screenshot's with the screen types including Macs and Pc's but I presume it's something that really needs to be seen in person to judge and I would be wary of a potentially grainy display from a Matte coated screen.

I could save quite a bit by dropping the SSD but It's something I'm set on now :D Reading posts in this thread I'm going to further consider whether to change my order to a 510 120gb since the prices are near identical with the 320 160gb. I can't foresee myself manually upgrading this potentially until it is out of warranty anyway so I would prefer to pick options that will be strong for approx 3 years.

Thanks for all your ideas and feedback, you have definitely given me more ideas to consider :) .

Heh, I think my post was deleted too.

Only you know how much money you can afford, getting later just spreads out the cost maybe over two pay days :). Another benefit is going with the default glossy is, it lets you at least see what a glossy screen is like. Screen quality is different for example the dell u27 is a terrible matte screen (people even risk soaking them in alcohol to remove the matte layer) while others are nice, same for glossy (shudders thinking about the glossy mac screens)

May I suggest that if you want a good quality screen that is matte you go with buying it yourself and either shipping it to pcs to fit, or fit it yourself. It really isn't difficult the only thing you have to worry about is that when you unscrew the last screws you hold the screen so it doesn't foll over onto your keyboard :p. If you want I can find you some videos of it being done.

I would suggest this screen the B173HW01 V.5. for matte and if you end up liking glossy but want a better one look at the v.7
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if eye strain is a problem, you can invest in digital performance glasses where it helps the eyes from tiredness and strain especially during long hours of staring at a screen. they improve visuals a bit too. i own a one an work just fine.

The lens of the glasses will look just like these ones:


Active member
if eye strain is a problem, you can invest in digital performance glasses where it helps the eyes from tiredness and strain especially during long hours of staring at a screen. they improve visuals a bit too. i own a one an work just fine.

The lens of the glasses will look just like these ones:

I only recently heard of these and tried to do a bit of digging, I had searched Gunnar Optiks or I-amp glasses, supposedly for gaming or enhancing digital viewing. it seems interesting although they seem around the same cost as the Matte screen :p If you don't find this personal Teaz did you get prescription based glasses or did you just order a pair online? I had been considering whether specsavers could offer decent 'computer glasses' as they call them but my vision is otherwise perfect bar symptoms of eye strain after long hours of usuage.


I only recently heard of these and tried to do a bit of digging, I had searched Gunnar Optiks or I-amp glasses, supposedly for gaming or enhancing digital viewing. it seems interesting although they seem around the same cost as the Matte screen :p If you don't find this personal Teaz did you get prescription based glasses or did you just order a pair online? I had been considering whether specsavers could offer decent 'computer glasses' as they call them but my vision is otherwise perfect bar symptoms of eye strain after long hours of usuage.

haha, i own the gunnar optiks and i first decided to go with prescription but my eye sights are fine so i just ordered them without the prescription. i have prescription glasses but not used alot or only when i have problems with long distant viewing. i didnt know where else sold computer/digital glasses so i stuck to gunnar. even my vision express didnt really have anything so not sure of what specsavers will provide.

ive originally purchased these to be used with my ps3 when i did long hours session playing games or when i stare at my monitor too long when i work and they have helped eyestrain or tiredness.


Active member
haha, i own the gunnar optiks and i first decided to go with prescription but my eye sights are fine so i just ordered them without the prescription. i have prescription glasses but not used alot or only when i have problems with long distant viewing. i didnt know where else sold computer/digital glasses so i stuck to gunnar. even my vision express didnt really have anything so not sure of what specsavers will provide.

ive originally purchased these to be used with my ps3 when i did long hours session playing games or when i stare at my monitor too long when i work and they have helped eyestrain or tiredness.

Ah right I've heard good things about these, despite initial worry that it was all marketing hype and considering I have to use an old work PC it would make sense to pay the same price for glasses which work on everything than for just the laptop screen. It's hard to get a UK reseller for these glasses though bar 2/3 selections on Amazon but thanks for the advice I think I might try the glossy and test out these glasses :) Like you it would only be to reduce eye-strain, tiredness and headaches.

I see they have amber tint and also a crystal clear variety at Gunnar, clear would be better so I can still see graphics correctly but might not be as effective as the amber tint, did you have any issues with the colour perception or is it worth it just to avoid constant migraines and sore eyes? Apologies for all the questions you've already helped so much in this thread!

Many Thanks.


i havent tried viewing them through matte screens but they should work well as with matte screens i believe. they dont 100% reduce those problems but they have helped reduced alot of the strain of those problems. you still feel a slight effect of the problems during long hours but not as much as without wearing them, so i consider them working good :)

i have just the amder lens since i originally purchased these for gaming. since i do graphical work and photography myself i need to view my colours without enhancement an the amber slightly boost colour enhancement. i tried it out during long hours of photography use and i had to take the glasses off back and forth to check the colours lol so if you want them for graphic or media use, i would point in the direction of the Crystalline coating they provide and not amber. im considering to invest in the cystalline myself but im in no rush for it.

amber is just more for the entertainment like gaming or outdoor etc etc crystalline would be more suited if you require precision with your colours :)
ive tried it out for graphical art use and drawing an colours where slightly boosted and thought it was "okay" but for photography when i was adjusting or editing i cant use them amber lens. so this should give you a rough direction :)


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Pulled the trigger on this earlier this morning, made a few changes but decided to take a risk on the Matte screen and also the Killer wifi card over the 6300 after seeing strong benchmark results. I'll hopefully be able to let everyone know how I get on, I'm sure everything will be awesome and my only concern now is the screen type as Glossy vs Matte is so subjective it could go either way.

I also had an eye test the other day and discovered I do have 20/20 vision and the optometrist wasn't very optimistic about the ability of computer glasses for people without prescription but said a Matte screen or potentially the digital performance glasses as Teaz mentioned might help alleviate eye strain a bit but there's no guarantee. I think I might try these Gunnar glasses later if I can find a UK reseller who allows 30 days return, thanks again to everyone who helped me decide on a final build.


Active member
Looks good :). I have had no experience in the glasses and would also be interested in a 30 day return if you find one.