Upcoming 5000 series cooler rundown


We love you Ukraine
This is interesting as to what coolers the board partners will be going with in the upcoming 5000 series GPU's from a cooler design perspective.

I think we're all waiting with baited breath to see if K1ngP1n will be doing some PNY 5000 series models!!!

But it's also hilarious from the amount of sarcasm and worth a watch just for a laugh

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Behold The Ford Mondeo
They look like homebrew versions tbh. I'm guessing that this new nividia brand has some patents on the cooling solution for the founders edition that they aren't allowed to tap into?

If the founders design works as well as the 40 series then it's going to be a complete win IMO. The only thing they'll have left to compete with is going to be the power for OC.