The Great RTX 3060ti Wait and Delivery Thread


Bronze Level Poster
Oh, I'm struggling to understand how I'm 964th in queue having ordered before yourself ( I'm jealous of your position in the queue 🤣) I've had no email telling me my position in the queue I had to live chat to find out, just the 5 day update emails and a estimated build date of 18/11/2021, but looking at my place in the queue I aint getting it before Christmas!

Debating weather to change to a more sourceable card, hopefully yours comes soon though! The waiting is the worst part isn't it!
I've just been in the chat to ask as there was no notice when I ordered about the queue for the cards, just the 14-17 working day wait, you all got me worried. Turns out that I'm 509th in the queue and cannot confirm if it'd arrive before Christmas or not. Talking with them now to see if I can switch out the card for something that is a little less scarce. If they'd have mentioned the wait on the order page then I'd have picked a different card.

I know its not their fault that there is a shortage but I thought they'd at least have a note on the order page about the wait.


I've just been in the chat to ask as there was no notice when I ordered about the queue for the cards, just the 14-17 working day wait, you all got me worried. Turns out that I'm 509th in the queue and cannot confirm if it'd arrive before Christmas or not. Talking with them now to see if I can switch out the card for something that is a little less scarce. If they'd have mentioned the wait on the order page then I'd have picked a different card.

I know its not their fault that there is a shortage but I thought they'd at least have a note on the order page about the wait.
When did you order yours out of curiosity? What day or pre production are you on?

Yeah I mean if I knew it was going to be after Christmas I would of possible changed gpu on order or shopped else where ( wich would be a last resort as I've heard great things from pcs). I know they are trying there best and the shortage is a pain, can imagine there doing there best to fulfill every order and lead times.
I just thought after reading the forums and seeing there lead times I would at least have it in the 30-40 day mark. I mean some people where saying 25 days for there's. When I ordered I'm almost certain it didn't state pre order on the 3060ti either, only when I made ammendments to my case!

I mean I could all be wrong and jumping the gun here and it get built with in that time frame, just hard to see being nearly 1000 in the que!

Let me know how you got on and if you changed your gpu....


Active member
it all seems a bit strange how im 25th in the queue when i ordered after both yourselves, leads me to believe im not actually 25th as its just automated emails?


Bronze Level Poster
When did you order yours out of curiosity? What day or pre production are you on?

Yeah I mean if I knew it was going to be after Christmas I would of possible changed gpu on order or shopped else where ( wich would be a last resort as I've heard great things from pcs). I know they are trying there best and the shortage is a pain, can imagine there doing there best to fulfill every order and lead times.
I just thought after reading the forums and seeing there lead times I would at least have it in the 30-40 day mark. I mean some people where saying 25 days for there's. When I ordered I'm almost certain it didn't state pre order on the 3060ti either, only when I made ammendments to my case!

I mean I could all be wrong and jumping the gun here and it get built with in that time frame, just hard to see being nearly 1000 in the que!

Let me know how you got on and if you changed your gpu....
I have just been through the order process with them again and there are still no notes about the waiting line coming up anywhere. Looking at switching out for the 2060 super, which would suck but at least my brother would have a computer he could use before Christmas.

I knew that there was a shortage in the first half of the year but I assumed since there were no notes or alerts anywhere that it had been sorted out and they could get them fairly easy. He said that they have a few small orders of them coming in over the next few weeks but couldn't allude to if it would be enough to reach my place of 509th in the queue, which is apparently very high in the build line 😲.

I'm not holding out hope that I'll get in before mid-December from what he said. (Although note that he did not say that, that is my view from all the information that he gave me. He wouldn't comment on any time frame)


I've just been in the chat to ask as there was no notice when I ordered about the queue for the cards, just the 14-17 working day wait, you all got me worried. Turns out that I'm 509th in the queue and cannot confirm if it'd arrive before Christmas or not. Talking with them now to see if I can switch out the card for something that is a little less scarce. If they'd have mentioned the wait on the order page then I'd have picked a different card.

I know its not their fault that there is a shortage but I thought they'd at least have a note on the order page about the wait.
There are plenty of posts like this and sticky posts that explain the situation, you just Neff to do research




Bronze Level Poster
There are plenty of posts like this and sticky posts that explain the situation, you just Neff to do research

I'm sure there were. But if the company you buy from don't point out that there is a large waiting time at the point of order then I know that the majority of people wouldn't then think, oh that company might not be telling me all the information there, I need to go look in forums. If it says 14-17 working days when you order with no other notice of delays then why would I have come to the forums?

I'm not saying that this is a PCS problem, it's not, It is still a worldwide problem apparently, which is fine. My point is that there was no notice of a delay when ordering.

Note. That thread you posted hasn't been updated for a year, and whilst it contains a lot of useful information, it is still a year old with no updates. In my eyes that would mean that the issue has resolved itself. Also again it's in the forum and not on their site pages or ordering pages, that is the issue I have with this whole thing. Even the PCS guy I chatted with agreed and said that they should have something up when ordering to inform people about the delay.


We love you Ukraine
Note. That thread you posted hasn't been updated for a year, and whilst it contains a lot of useful information, it is still a year old with no updates. In my eyes that would mean that the issue has resolved itself. Also again it's in the forum and not on their site pages or ordering pages, that is the issue I have with this whole thing. Even the PCS guy I chatted with agreed and said that they should have something up when ordering to inform people about the delay.
Nothings changed that's why, it's on the news daily still. It's public info in all papers and news channels.


it actually does state those ESTIMATED times are subject to change when pre order parts are included in the build
Honestly, I haven't seen anything about it for quite a while, hence thinking it was pretty normal to not have any notes about the delay on the order pages.


Bronze Level Poster
it actually does state those ESTIMATED times are subject to change when pre order parts are included in the build
It does, but when I ordered it did not state that the 3060ti was a pre-order, at least not like it does with the 3080.


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Bronze Level Poster
I might Just splash out for the upgrade then.

Have you went for the upgrade?
Called up and actually ended up chatting with the same guy as the webchat earlier which was perfect 😂

He said that they have no stock of any 30 series in at the moment. If I upgraded to the 3070ti as you did then I'd just be put in a bigger queue and he would be very surprised if I got the machine before Christmas. I'm not sure how you managed to get one to be built in two days!

He told me their delivery dates for the next week or so and if there are no delays with those deliveries then I'm probably looking at a build date in roughly two weeks.

As long as I know when it'll roughly get built it's fine. I'd just hate to be checking every day and getting updated emails saying two days' time.

So place 506th for the card and rough build date at the very end of the month. Just going to stick with that now that I have a more accurate time frame.


Active member
I phoned yesterday and they said they had an order in which they think arrived Tuesday (couldn't see it on the system yet but that's normal for a huge delivery), and that would be enough to complete 2x the orders for this graphics card. So all being well we should be all gravy!


Active member
Lucky, I've been fifth in the queue for almost a month. Just been told cos they were out of a psu I didn't get my graphics card. And they won't reserve parts. So I have to sit in an endless loop of people going past me taking bits until they have absolutely everything in stock....
Not exactly a great morning


Active member
Lucky, I've been fifth in the queue for almost a month. Just been told cos they were out of a psu I didn't get my graphics card. And they won't reserve parts. So I have to sit in an endless loop of people going past me taking bits until they have absolutely everything in stock....
Not exactly a great morning
They're also telling me I should swap parts now, even though when I ordered everything was in stock. So I can't get the build I wanted, I'd have to keep buying bits I don't want to get it build and pay for the bits I do separately