The Big Fat Giveaway of the Year 2023


Lord of Steam
April's Humble Choice sees our second fight to the death of 2023, as the game in question is kind of a big deal.

This month I am offering:

- Death Stranding: Director's Cut
- Rollerdrome
- Life is Strange 2
- The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
- Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp

All of these games are fun in their own particular ways. I personally would recommend all 5, but the Steam reviews are pretty high across all games!



At Least I Have Chicken
so how does one fight to the death on this forum?
@moosEh assigns the time and location, standard rules are that two contenders are locked in a dark room which contains a sock with a snooker ball in it. Whoever has the least caved in skull wins. That’s how I got my mod spot… it still aches when the weather changes and I can’t handle bright lights for too long.


Lord of Steam
so how does one fight to the death on this forum?
Back in January, I gave away Doom Eternal, and a forum member turned up with a prune taser, and things seemingly just escalated from there.

In reality, I'll wait a few days and see how much interest there is, and then choose someone entirely arbitrarily to get the game. So far, I think yourself and Tron are the only ones to have shown interest in the game.


To be fair, Death Stranding look awesome, but i'm not sure that i'd like it.
If no one want it, I'll gladly take it and test it. But if someone want it, I'm sure he will enjoy it more than me.
That's why I will not ask for it for now.

Sorry, i'm not sure if i'm clear ^^"

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@moosEh assigns the time and location, standard rules are that two contenders are locked in a dark room which contains a sock with a snooker ball in it. Whoever has the least caved in skull wins. That’s how I got my mod spot… it still aches when the weather changes and I can’t handle bright lights for too long.

when I think of snooker

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moosEh be like

The immunity debt and why we're sicker than usual: Guess what happens ...
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I do post a lot of nonsense on here, but I'm always very serious when it comes to giving away games. It looks like Death Stranding will be yours. I'm going for a few drinks after work, so will make a decision on the game tomorrow!

entirely up to you santa,

i mean denz

although the more drinks consumed the more it may help me, ~#justsaying
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