Hi there, I was wondering if PCS has a the same or similar software to the American versions ( I believe I am not supposed to use name)
I'm looking at the Vyper 17 and was wondering if it had the equivalent of elektroboost or whatever it is called. As from what I've read this makes a big difference in performance.
Also how would the i7 10875 with the 2070 max p in the vyper 17 compare to an i7 10750 with a 2070 super (also max p)? Would the extra cores on the 10875 make a difference for gaming?
I understand that normally the super gives about 9% better performance but would extra cores and elektroboost on the vyper 17 make up for that?
I'm looking at the Vyper 17 and was wondering if it had the equivalent of elektroboost or whatever it is called. As from what I've read this makes a big difference in performance.
Also how would the i7 10875 with the 2070 max p in the vyper 17 compare to an i7 10750 with a 2070 super (also max p)? Would the extra cores on the 10875 make a difference for gaming?
I understand that normally the super gives about 9% better performance but would extra cores and elektroboost on the vyper 17 make up for that?