Should I be worried...


After seeing all the posts about problems with everyone's PC's I'm wondering if I made the right choice to go with PCS instead of elsewhere?
What's going on with the build quality - there seems to be loads of problems.
And what's with everyone saying go the AMD route - a lot of the guys offering the help (moderators? is that what you guys are BTW?) when you see their specs I see lots of Intel CPU's.
17 working days into my order and still in pre-production too :(
Spending £2,850 on this new PC so hope it works... when I get it!
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Most of those systems you see on posts of folk like myself were built before AMD started to run ahead of Intel, if you take a read of the thread below that will explain a lot, also if you like to post your specs, we can give them a look over for you



Bright Spark
Post up your ordering page, sometimes moving to AMD works out cheaper.

As for Intel builds on peoples sig page, either they are older systems or like me, went in blindly and ordered without asking first.


After seeing all the posts about problems with everyone's PC's I'm wondering if I made the right choice to go with PCS instead of Overclockers or elsewhere?
What's going on with the build quality - there seems to be loads of problems.
And what's with everyone saying go the AMD route - a lot of the guys offering the help (moderators? is that what you guys are BTW?) when you see their specs I see lots of Intel CPU's.
17 working days into my order and still in pre-production too :(
Spending £2,850 on this new PC so hope it works... when I get it!
I can't comment on the Overclockers PC's as I've never owned one. But from my experience, PCS has been fantastic, I've had no issues with my PC at all that I bought in April 2019 and you shouldn't worry. The build quality was great, all the cables were well organised and the PC was shipped using super protective packaging. I had a few queries pre and post sale and they were replied to promtly and with much detail. The pandemic is slowing down build and response times due to a massive increase in demand but a reduction in supply so just make sure you're paitent.

When it comes to AMD vs Intel. AMD is currently smashing Intel out the park for most uses, there are still very few instances where Intel is the choice but for the large majority, AMD wins. If you've already purchased an intel build, I wouldn't worry too much, Intel aren't a bad choice, just AMD is a lot better. Theres more info in this thread about Intel vs AMD. If you'd like us to look over your build then feel free to post your specs. A thread on how to can be found here. We'll also need this info from you:

Monitor - Model or Resolution AND refresh rate. If you don't have one, what is the budget you have for one?
Uses - What is the system for. Is it just gaming? What about VR? Streaming? Video processing?
Budget - We need to know where to spend and where to cut back. Some items are more important than others so knowing the margins we have to work within we can will always try to accommodate your budget.

I wouldn't worry too much, PCS is still a fantastic company and your money is safe in their hands. if there are any issues, PCS is usually quick to sort them out


At Least I Have Chicken
You’ll also find that the moderators and those offering assistance aren’t employed by PC Specialist in any way, we’re all just satisfied customers and tech enthusiasts 🙂👍

As for reports of problems, just bear in mind that it’s those with complaints who tend to be vocal and they are very much in the minority. As in other avenues of life, few of the many people who are happy with their system return to leave a review.

We’d be more than happy to have a look over your build if you need any advice, just follow the handy hints from @JUNI0R and we’ll check it out.

Stephen M

Author Level
Nothing wrong with PCS build quality, for myself, family and friends have got eight laptops and a desk top over the years.

Switched to AMD for the latest as it was the obvious choice given their current superiority. You have to base opinion on quality of parts now, not what it was a few years ago when a lot of us bought machines and AMD was still bargain basement stuff.


Grand Master
My experience of PCS quality has been good. I have an ancient Intel based PCS PC, which will soon (I hope - 20+ days in pre-production) be replaced by a new AMD based build. I also bought a laptop for my wife and my brother in law bought a PC from them that he is very happy with. It is frustrating waiting for the new tech, but Brexit, COVID and lack of supply from manufacturers cannot be laid at PCS’ door.


I am a recent new addition to the PCS customer list - I have my new PC and could not be happier. I like how this sounds so I'm going to say it - people like me a rare :) (I hope my family hear that! :unsure:) in that people who suffer no issues and no delays and no tech probelms fade into the background and don't post about their contentedness. For every one with a problem there are hundreds without any issues at all.....
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Well... I would like to thank you ALL for striving to put my mind at ease on my choice of PC builder. I was getting a little "twitchy" to say the least when I saw so many complaints on build quality etc., I am happy with the components I have selected for the new PC ... I know, I know people will want to give me a slap for choosing the Intel i9-10850 (SLAP .. see told you) but like it and its for a mix of gaming and creative work, graphic design and photography. I have a friend with pretty much the same set-up and his rig is blistering compared to this old one I have at present.
Main thing is that you have all positive comments about PCS and that above all else has laid my fears to rest and I can now sit back and wait for delivery zzzzzzzz... 18 days in pre-production and counting.
I presume this due to the RTX 3080 along with Covid.

Thanks again : )


Master Poster
If it is not entirely for gaming, AMD really is the better choice, but that being said... Intel is still producing fine chips and the technology is miles ahead of generation of the past.

The issue for me with intel is, upgrading it basically means a new motherboard along with a new cpu, where as Ryzen motherboards will last a few more generations.