RTX 3090/R9 5900x - Extreme Makeover edition (in glorious RGB)


Active member
That’s is beautiful and almost the same spec as my order. Did you order the extra fans as well?
Yeah, I remember your specs! <3
I order an extra fan through Amazon, as PCS doesn't sell the single-fan pack and I installed it by myself. Easy, yes, but that was the actual first time I've installed a fan ahah! I realised I did a mistake in the first pictures, cause I connected the fan to the Capellix controller, which mounts ML140. As a result, it was less intense in terms of fan power and didn't have all the colours. Switched to the LL120 controller instead and all good! Lesson learned!
download (1).jpeg

Beautiful set up those specs aswell ...... niiiiiicccceeee


Bronze Level Poster
looks great, but honestly that rainbow puke is horrible. You should try to find a nice color scheme you like in single maybe dual color, makes huge difference imho
While I agree in principle and for my PC/Desk setup intend to pick a single static colour or primary and secondary static colours.......

......you better believe that when I post my own thread in this forum when I finish my PCS re-build and Desk RGB setup, that at least one of the photo’s is going to be pure Unicorn Rainbow vomit just to watch the resident PCS forum RGB-Rainbowphiles get the shivers. :D :D

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