RTX 3080


Bronze Level Poster
Haha no worries ! my heart just can't take anymore :') ... anyone made it into building today if so what date did you order ? (trying to gauge how good this delivery was if it actually happened)
As far as I've seen, there's two of us on 100 days and no one longer, and I've not gone into building :(
Hopefully delivery tomorrow?
73 working days. I feel like I’m fast approaching the 80 day mark, which was the estimate from many people on here when I first ordered, it made me physically recoil to read people had 80 day waits and now some of you fellas are at 100 :(

I bought myself an Oculus Quest 2 though so at least while I wait now I have something new to mess about with. my thoughts are with those who have had a PC die on them and are stuck with nothing to do until they get that shiny, new 3080.


What games are y’all gonna be smashing off when you get your 3080s then chaps!
I can’t wait to play Tarkov, RE2 + RE3 and GTA 5 all at 1440p 144hz 😍


Solitaire and minesweeper if it'll handle it 🤣🤣🤣 seriously just looking forward to the Samsung G9 5120x1440 at 240hz
I’ve always been on the low/mid spectrum, previously rocking a 1060 6gb and i5 8600k, fully getting bottlenecked as my monitor is 1440p 165hz GSYNC. I can’t wait to finally be able to play games at a constant 100+ FPS for the first time


Bronze Level Poster
So I have entered the 100 club, 101 days pre-production. I need my build to start or I will be broke....I have now stopped amending my order!
I can sympathise.
My build that I have only waited 87 days for, now doesn't bare any resemblance to the one I originally ordered.
A tweak here, a drive there and updated CPU, a different case and so on and so forth.
Thank God for lockdown as it stops me spending on frivolous things like haircuts or taking my wife out, where upping my RAM is completely justifiable (y)

AND ........ You now are entitled to an "AgentCooper" celebratory cake which I have come to see as the PCS equivalent of the Croix de Guerre for patience and fortitude above and beyond etc.
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Would it be worth switching from the Strix 3080 to the standard 3080 at this stage? I'm currently on 104 days (Ordered November 11th 2020).
I'm assuming the standard 3080 situation is a little better with the drip feed of stock despite the longer backlog but maybe I'm wrong.

I've read that order fulfillments are based on original order date yet PCS deny there is a standard 3080 queue to jump into if you amend your order so it's a bit confusing.


At Least I Have Chicken
So I have entered the 100 club, 101 days pre-production. I need my build to start or I will be broke....I have now stopped amending my order!
You now are entitled to an "AgentCooper" celebratory cake which I have come to see as the PCS equivalent of the Croix de Guerre for patience and fortitude above and beyond etc.


I can sympathise.
My build that I have only waited 87 days for, now doesn't bare any resemblance to the one I originally ordered.
A tweak here, a drive there and updated CPU, a different case and so on and so forth.
Thank God for lockdown as it stops me spending on frivolous things like haircuts or taking my wife out, where upping my RAM is completely justifiable (y)

AND ........ You now are entitled to an "AgentCooper" celebratory cake which I have come to see as the PCS equivalent of the Croix de Guerre for patience and fortitude above and beyond etc.
Don’t threaten me with a good time...😂

I’ve been good so far!


some say at 100 days the queen sends you are card for waiting for your graphics card, liz you see likes a bit of red dead redemption with ray tracing and can commiserate with you.
I dropped by her place the other day................didn't even get offered a coffee...............