RTX 3080


Bronze Level Poster
After feeling quite optimistic that things will change for the better and that more cards would start being made I’m feeling rather demoralised this morning.

After reading bits and bobs on the net, and that one place has had all their deliveries for March and that out of all the different makes and models (70,80,90s) of cards, they have been allocated just 100 of one make and model for the whole of April with no sign of any other stock, I feel pretty glum this morning and feel like throwing in the towel.

I’m not trying to do scare mongering, I’m in the same boat as the rest of you. Not sure if I should just jump in to the rescue ship and stop sinking though. Kidding myself I’ll get it end of May or middle of June but that’s seemingly far fetched now if the above is true.

Oh and in lighter news, the anti mining technology in the 3060s has been hacked already. Waste of time that was then.


Bronze Level Poster
After feeling quite optimistic that things will change for the better and that more cards would start being made I’m feeling rather demoralised this morning.

After reading bits and bobs on the net, and that one place has had all their deliveries for March and that out of all the different makes and models (70,80,90s) of cards, they have been allocated just 100 of one make and model for the whole of April with no sign of any other stock, I feel pretty glum this morning and feel like throwing in the towel.

I’m not trying to do scare mongering, I’m in the same boat as the rest of you. Not sure if I should just jump in to the rescue ship and stop sinking though. Kidding myself I’ll get it end of May or middle of June but that’s seemingly far fetched now if the above is true.

Oh and in lighter news, the anti mining technology in the 3060s has been hacked already. Waste of time that was then.
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his place in the PCS queue for his friends. ... The greatest way to show love for friends is to let them have your RTX 3080"

Nah! Only kidding, Hang on in there Rich, join the rest of us poor pilgrims in the exclusive "AgentCooper Cake Club" a true badge of honour and proof of fortitude, there will be GPU's eventually, be strong, you are not alone


Active member
Seriously considering switching to a 3090 when I get paid at the end of the month. (Maybe quite telling that there isn't a 3090 wait thread :p)
After that my bottleneck component will probably be the 5950 cpu I ordered


Gold Level Poster
Seriously considering switching to a 3090 when I get paid at the end of the month. (Maybe quite telling that there isn't a 3090 wait thread :p)
After that my bottleneck component will probably be the 5950 cpu I ordered
I think everyone here can tell you for the price the 3090 isn’t worth it, however if waiting time is your problem it may speed things up.

So roughly 90-95 days I think is current waiting time based off people’s responses here, take the extra cost of amending to the 3090 divide it by the days you’ve got left to wait until those days and that’ll give you a day by day cost of what it’ll cost to upgrade.

For example you’re on day 30 you have 60-65 days left to wait, the cost of upgrading is £650, so at 60 days you’re paying almost £11 a day to get it early at 65 you’re paying £10 a day to get it early.

Basically if you’re almost there in terms of waiting time I wouldn’t bother. I think everyone here can tell you the performance you gain for the cost isn’t worth it, but if your wallet is big enough to accommodate it and you really don’t want to wait, then it may be worth it to you.


Seriously considering switching to a 3090 when I get paid at the end of the month. (Maybe quite telling that there isn't a 3090 wait thread :p)
After that my bottleneck component will probably be the 5950 cpu I ordered
Im on day 39 waiting for a 3090 and a 5950 live chat wouldent give me any rough idea of when so it may not be worth changing (unless you want to :) )


Bronze Level Poster
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his place in the PCS queue for his friends. ... The greatest way to show love for friends is to let them have your RTX 3080"

Nah! Only kidding, Hang on in there Rich, join the rest of us poor pilgrims in the exclusive "AgentCooper Cake Club" a true badge of honour and proof of fortitude, there will be GPU's eventually, be strong, you are not alone
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I don't think me giving up my space in the queue would make much difference, only just hit 25 working days so a quarter of the way there but was seriously hoping post Christmas they would have got their fingers out and got these cards flying off the shelves (and orders fulfilled a lot sooner than 100 days for post Christmas orders) but there seems to be an issue with obtaining the silicon now. It's just one disaster after another and the cards we are waiting for will probably all be end of life and the new models (which you won't be able to buy either) will replace them, the so called '5' cards, 3075, 3085, 3095 etc.

Just feeling low today with no end in sight.


Active member
I think everyone here can tell you for the price the 3090 isn’t worth it, however if waiting time is your problem it may speed things up.

So roughly 90-95 days I think is current waiting time based off people’s responses here, take the extra cost of amending to the 3090 divide it by the days you’ve got left to wait until those days and that’ll give you a day by day cost of what it’ll cost to upgrade.

For example you’re on day 30 you have 60-65 days left to wait, the cost of upgrading is £650, so at 60 days you’re paying almost £11 a day to get it early at 65 you’re paying £10 a day to get it early.

Basically if you’re almost there in terms of waiting time I wouldn’t bother. I think everyone here can tell you the performance you gain for the cost isn’t worth it, but if your wallet is big enough to accommodate it and you really don’t want to wait, then it may be worth it to you.

I'm on 18 working days so I'd have quite a while to go. Also I'm pretty sure the price of upgrading is higher now! really is a pickle

Im on day 39 waiting for a 3090 and a 5950 live chat wouldent give me any rough idea of when so it may not be worth changing (unless you want to :) )
I'm hearing through the grapevine that orders for 5950 will be coming some time in april


Active member
After feeling quite optimistic that things will change for the better and that more cards would start being made I’m feeling rather demoralised this morning.

After reading bits and bobs on the net, and that one place has had all their deliveries for March and that out of all the different makes and models (70,80,90s) of cards, they have been allocated just 100 of one make and model for the whole of April with no sign of any other stock, I feel pretty glum this morning and feel like throwing in the towel.

I’m not trying to do scare mongering, I’m in the same boat as the rest of you. Not sure if I should just jump in to the rescue ship and stop sinking though. Kidding myself I’ll get it end of May or middle of June but that’s seemingly far fetched now if the above is true.

Oh and in lighter news, the anti mining technology in the 3060s has been hacked already. Waste of time that was then.
i saw this news ( https://www.theblockcrypto.com/post/98117/chinese-eth-miners-nvidias-gpu ) they said is not true the hacked the RTX 3060, i hope this is true🤞


Active member
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I don't think me giving up my space in the queue would make much difference, only just hit 25 working days so a quarter of the way there but was seriously hoping post Christmas they would have got their fingers out and got these cards flying off the shelves (and orders fulfilled a lot sooner than 100 days for post Christmas orders) but there seems to be an issue with obtaining the silicon now. It's just one disaster after another and the cards we are waiting for will probably all be end of life and the new models (which you won't be able to buy either) will replace them, the so called '5' cards, 3075, 3085, 3095 etc.

Just feeling low today with no end in sight.
As someone who made it to 96 days let me just say it will be annoying and painful having to wait and you will go through the 7 stages of Greif 😂 . But I am incredibly happy with my new PC and I'm sure you will too when you receive it. So hang in there and I'm sure the situation will get better soon! Just think of how good it will feel when you get it.


So because I will be emigrating in a few weeks, I finally gave PCS a call today to see if I should just cancel.

And interestingly they said the stock for my order had literally been picked 15 mins earlier and i should get my PC by the end of the week. The order page still says pre-production despite repeated F5, so i'm not holding my breath just yet, but it was a very nice surprise.

And for those who care - it was one of those rainbow coloured unicorn orders i.e. a 5900, 3080 ordered 5th Nov (92 working days)


New member
So been following this post for so long and finally after 92 working days my pc 3080 5900x has gone to build. This been a very painful process as my 980ti blew up last year. I ordered pc from someone else in August but they kept having issues with the pc so I decided to go with pcspecialist and wait till 3080 but then I was like hmm 5900x sounds good so I wait for that also.

So 92working days it goes into build I'm really excited to get back playing games like escape from tarkov that require a reasonable good graphics card.

I ordered November 5th as soon as the 5900x released so hope this helps anyone whose looking or waiting for pc and idea where they are at.


Always great to see people going into build 🥳! I'm on 78 working days also for the 5900x/3080 combo...hoping the end is almost in sight now too 🤞
My fingers are crossed for you too.. 🤞

I'm in the 3950X & 3080 camp, 19 working days, so I'm hoping it's just the 3080 queue i'm waiting on and I can get my shiny new toy!


Well, it doesn't look like good news from Nvidia around stock position improvements. TSMC are expanding their plant but it is likely that will be for car chips only, this will also take time to come online. The good news is that it is unlikely to get worse but with most providers only getting 20 cards per month per country, the wait is real.

Reports that it will be tough in H1 if not for the rest of the year (even with the Samsung plant). So I wouldn't hold out for an a massive improvement of the current wait times. :(

Just to clairfy ... this is 20 units per manufacturer such as 20 to asus 20 to gigabyte etc. And only from reports on the interweb

e.g. https://www.hardwaretimes.com/nvidia-aib-partners-getting-less-than-20-units-of-the-rtx-3080/
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Bronze Level Poster
Well, it doesn't look like good news from Nvidia around stock position improvements. TSMC are expanding their plant but it is likely that will be for car chips only, this will also take time to come online. The good news is that it is unlikely to get worse but with most providers only getting 20 cards per month per country, the wait is real.

Reports that it will be tough in H1 if not for the rest of the year (even with the Samsung plant). So I wouldn't hold out for an a massive improvement of the current wait times. :(
I need you to stop bringing facts in to this and bursting my bubble, please :(


Bronze Level Poster
I know how you feel I am on day 4!! so a long wait ahead.

I've been waiting a smidge longer but have been told that my build should start this Friday (build waiting on 5800x), fingers crossed!
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