RTX 3080


Gold Level Poster
Then it should not say pre order then as it’s not a pre order it should say ‘we have zero control on this item and placing the order is at your own risk’ but that’s not fluffy is it?

As for insinuating that I am blind because I cannot see what is happening in the world I think you really need to go back and read what I am saying. I’ve never once said I have a devine right to my order all I have asked all along is more clarity.

There’s a post now to say there’s over 1500 orders from the beginning of February. This gives me more clarity this is all I wanted to know.
Just gonna let the picture explain pre order to you.

They cannot provide a queue system as all orders are different due to the components within them. They can provide there is X amount of 3080 orders, but I don’t see how this helps? There is going to be a long wait on any 3080 system no matter what, I ordered 15th October and I am still awaiting my order, I think that says it all in regards to the stock position of 3080s.


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New member
Did you not do any research as to the availability and the global shortage of these cards that was apparent within a few days of their launch, if not more fool you
I looked at a couple sites competitor sites and they had stock (very limited) and one was quite informative of their intentions in regards to planned orders etc

The website was hideous though and the selection of cases was pretty bad so I went here instead!

More fool me ? Why I can get my money back it’s no issue.

Gosh knows why you’re being so defensive ? I’ve literally just said that I’m glad they can offer us some details and just wish they were upfront about it instead of seemingly emailing certain people who have already gave them their money.


The Awesome
Guys, try not to be rude to each other please, please consider what you write before actually writing it, not everyone does research on such things as global stock ability and stuff like that, those of us know about such things do, but many many do not and do not think that they will need to (because in general you dont need to)


We love you Ukraine
Ok, guys, please let's not escalate this into a flame war.

While it's all very nice to say "PCS should do it this way", it needs to be within the realms of possibility and related to the business they're in.

Please, everyone, make sure you've read the stickies.

At the point you're aware of the situation that's been repetitively stated by PCS, then if you're still not happy with the way they're doing business, then please relay that back to them on their email address. The forums are not the place to be giving PCS suggestions.


Bronze Level Poster
My query too has been answered that there’s potentially sixteen hundred orders before mine. So do I cancel now? More than likely but would it have been better to have an idea of these figures in advance rather than an assumption of how long I would be waiting? Yes it would.

As I said in my other post, they are the ones who have chosen not to answer the phone or reply to my emails, if they had then I wouldn’t have had to drag it through the forum.

I don’t need to read the stickies for that.
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New member
I've got a build the the asus strix 3090 and that was in 16 production days and now on the build faze, maybe go for a strix gpu, not too sure how many of em are in stock now though if there is any


Gold Level Poster
I've got a build the the asus strix 3090 and that was in 16 production days and now on the build faze, maybe go for a strix gpu, not too sure how many of em are in stock now though if there is any
I believe the Strix 3080 are in a worse position than regular 3080 (or at least last communication from staff on here stated that), 3090s have been more in stock due to the increased price tag anyway.


not to add fuel to the fire but

if there is a global shortage, technically it is still a pre-order init

no stock = not available to purchase


Bronze Level Poster
In other news.. have any of the 80+ dayers seen any movement on their 3080 orders? I can't help but get excited for everyone whose build moves into building :)


Gold Level Poster
Whatever happens with Tamutol's order, I'm afraid you won't be hearing from them again on the forum...
Ah okay :ROFLMAO:

Well last I heard from PCSpecialists they’ve said they are awaiting delivery of 3080s for my order and my order will be fulfilled when they receive the next delivery and that they already have stock of 5900X to fulfil my order, so here’s hoping the truck doesn’t get stuck either at the border or in snow somewhere:ROFLMAO:


Bronze Level Poster
Ah okay :ROFLMAO:

Well last I heard from PCSpecialists they’ve said they are awaiting delivery of 3080s for my order and my order will be fulfilled when they receive the next delivery and that they already have stock of 5900X to fulfil my order, so here’s hoping the truck doesn’t get stuck either at the border or in snow somewhere:ROFLMAO:
Lovely! Had you asked them about this, or did they update you?

I kind of wish I added the 5900x to my order (I'll say no more as I know its off topic).

Here's hoping they receive said delivery this week.


Ah okay :ROFLMAO:

Well last I heard from PCSpecialists they’ve said they are awaiting delivery of 3080s for my order and my order will be fulfilled when they receive the next delivery and that they already have stock of 5900X to fulfil my order, so here’s hoping the truck doesn’t get stuck either at the border or in snow somewhere:ROFLMAO:
When did you hear that?


Gold Level Poster
Lovely! Had you asked them about this, or did they update you?

I kind of wish I added the 5900x to my order (I'll say no more as I know its off topic).

Here's hoping they receive said delivery this week.
I’d asked them for an update on my order (not an ETA before @SpyderTracks jumps on me ;) :) ) If you just ask “can I have an update on order x” they will say what they currently have in stock and what they are waiting on, HOWEVER they will not say when they are going to receive stock for pre order parts as they do not know this, so don’t bother trying.

They didn’t say when they were expecting a delivery, as I can imagine they probably don’t know that themselves, but here’s hoping it is soon! :)



EDIT: GhostHud has previously said in this thread they are now working on build from 10th to 15th October for 3080 and ryzen 9.
Yeah I saw that. I checked a few weeks ago and everything else was in stock so I’m just waiting. Might be one more week hopefully.