Recoil ii not recognized by TV


Silver Level Poster
My Recoil II GTX1060 will not display on my parent's Samsing 5600 TV. I thought it used to and sometimes after radomly changing settings: resolution, rebooting, duplicate/extended/second screen only, unplugging etc etc, it works., Each time it has worked I have not noticed a consistent sequence of actions that leads to success.

My previous Clevo based laptops always worked first time on this TV and this laptop always works on my much newer Hisense and TCL TVs.

I have already tried different HDMI cables.


The BSOD Doctor
Make sure the TV is on and using the correct HDMI input, the go to Settings > System > Display and click the Detect button. Does it then show two displays? If so select the one for the TV and make sure that the resolution setting matches the TVs resolution.

It can take a while for some TVs to be detected. I found that powering the laptop off, plugging in the TV and having the TV on with the correct HDMI input selected, and then booting the laptop often helps detection.


We love you Ukraine
Also, TV HDMI ports are prone to fail to come out of sleep. Try another port on the tv see if it’s any better


Silver Level Poster
At first the TV would not let me select HDMI3/DVI the computer port., after some combinations of change it now does. At the times when it doesn't there is no way to select that port before powering on the laptop.

I tried detecting multiple displays as well as changing resolutions which I heard sometimes helps. Nothing today has worked. I will now try turning everything off at the mains.


Silver Level Poster
I tried another same series Samsung TV and the same result. I tried another laptop and as soon as I plugged it into the TV the laptop screen was duplicated on the TV.

Tomorrow I will have a chance to try and different TV and also a monitor to check if maybe the HDMI port is now faulty.