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Lols.... Cause, result and solution all outlined very clearly.The fact you ran the windows 10 control center on a windows 11 installation means your PL values will be locked very low, you can verify this by doing a standard stress test and seeing the clock speeds, they'll be stuck very low I guess. If that's the case, you don't need a BIOS update, you just need a BIOS reflash.
If you're asking for a BIOS update rather than reflash, that may be why PCS are getting confused and saying there isn't one available.
You can't solve it on your own, only PCS can get you a BIOS reflash.
You've obviously totally ignored what's been said, and probably harping on at PCS about how control center is the problem when it isn't, so they don't understand the issue.
PCS are fully aware of this bug, and have been for years, as soon as you'd stated the symptoms they would have known exactly what the issue was as did I. So suggests either you're not telling them the symptoms in ways they understand, or that you've ignored the advice given here on how to get it resolved.
Either way, the forum can't help you at all, impossible, we don't have any access to BIOS files, only OEMs do.