@PCSpecialist and the community ()

That's pretty poor, I can totally empathise. Regarding the apologies, as with all companies there is a hierarchy, I understand that apologies may feel hollow but I am fairly certain that with how far up the chain you are now the apologies are very sincere and from a stance of pride for the company/name rather than just part of the formal training. I don't know if that will mean anything to you but given your background you will likely understand the difference between the different levels of customer service that you make your way through during such problems.

I am quite confident you are in very good hands and the situation will be investigated fully with appropriate feedback. You understand that this will take time and as much as it's frustrating it's the right thing to do to have a proper understanding of what happened.
Thank you Scott I appreciate that you are being active in this thread, you may have a personal relationship with many of the people at PCS via your moderation status and that has allowed you to build a foundation of confidence. Right now, from my perspective, that foundation doesn’t reflect the interactions which is all outlined above form the multiple touch points between myself and PCS.

“I don't know if that will mean anything to you but given your background you will likely understand the difference between the different levels of customer service that you make your way through during such problems.” Absolutely correct here, we are all humans at the end of the day and our diversity and individualism doesn’t always embrace the same core values and that is ok. We can all perform our jobs well without reflecting the same principles and quite often this can result in maturing these principles for the benefit of your user base. What is on display here though showcases a complete breakdown from quality assurance, communication and logistics which are three core pillars of any service delivery company. I know you are a volunteer and do not work for PCS and I thank you for your service, but this is a type of statement that complete reflection as to a fundamental problem here. No customer no matter the price tag of the purchase should have to go through this many people and interactions to receive any form of focus, it shows that a core value of good service as a collective in an organisation shifting from the majority to the minority. It saddens me but, this is often the case when companies mature in their lifecycle.

I can do nothing now but take your word for it, and I absolutely appreciate that any form of investigation will require some time.

Stay safe and kind regards


P.S. as of 10am this morning my system was collected for return to PCS


Behold The Ford Mondeo
I have no real relationship or affiliation with PCS. I suppose I could be seen as a representative, but this is merely an appearance rather than an actuality. One of the admin's who made me a moderator I have had some brief chats with, but nothing serious or business like..... just talking shop. There is a deliberate distance between the PCS business and the PCS forum, we have no insight or any special powers more than a member in this regard. We have simply been on here enough time that we know "who to call" should there be something that is of a particular interest.

My confidence is inspired purely from interactions on this forum. When issues are highlighted to us and we highlight them to the more senior advisors they tend to get the focus they probably should have gotten from the off. Like you say though, this is just a product of being successful, busy and popular. It's never a nice thing to experience but it's difficult to weed through the people who require the "switch it off/switch it on" information to notice the people who have a much greater understanding. I face this frustration myself continually as I know my way around systems better than most of those who I am requesting help from over the phone (as I don't have admin rights to do anything on my bleedin work systems). The bar has to be set though, and assumptions made to cater for the lowest levels of insight and understanding. With that automatically comes a level of blanket numbness to individual needs.

Throw in 2 hour queue times, overfilled mailboxes and staff absolutely working their socks off trying to get through scores of queries..... all of a different nature and it's easy to understand how a disconnect can occur.

This is purely my own view from a non-frustrated standpoint fully understanding how I feel on a daily basis with such interaction. I know how it can be, but the bigger picture and the scale of the issue means that it would be impossible to micro-manage every interaction with every customer. It's more important, I believe, to try and single out the ones that need some true 1-1 focus.... of which you absolutely fall into. Additionally, this is in no way an excuse. There is no excuse for the system you have been sent out and a full investigation is required, and it will be put right. I'm simply sharing my view of how I see things being, for the moment at least, and can understand that it's not easy for anyone involved.

As a side-note. I'm having an absolute nightmare with my gas bill from my previous house. I've drawn up an entire Excel spreadsheet that calculates what my bill should be to the penny. I'm confident in my understanding of the calculations, of how the bill is broken down and all information is as accurate as I can get it. Can you imagine how many levels I had to go through to get to someone who was actually at a level where they could understand what I was even talking about? I'm still not there yet.... I've got a call with the manager later..... but I'm currently down to the tune of £1180. I have had to be firm at each stage of these conversations to get moved up, but I do sympathise as the people who answer the phone first aren't equipped to deal with queries of the nature I had, they just need to go through the motions regardless as that's their job.
Dear OP,

I am sorry to hear about this and I apologise for the inconvenience this has caused. I have forward this to our Operations Manager to investigate further with CCTV footage, we will also contact our courier company, our Account Manager will look at scanned photos at the hub.

The machine is coming back under an RMA, so I will inform our Returns Manager to add the return to our priority list.

Kind Regards,
Well, it has been over three working days now and I have yet to receive any form of communication or update from senior management. Even despite this being the internal process within PCS as stated by one of their engineers to me via telephone and in then following up in an email “Call escalation has been submitted earlier as there is no management team available to reach through to escalate this situation previously. This will be 3 working days for one of the management team to contact you back”.

@Mustafa, previously I asked if you were genuine in your aspirations to help and for you to show me with your actions and not your words. Based on your actions, I can only surmise that you were not. Not you nor anyone within PCS could show me as another person a base level of respect “spare” 5 minutes to call me and provide me with an update? Even though this is literally the company process?

How have PCS become this poor?

I am genuinely at a loss here at to how shocking this is for any company to act and behave like this. I truly hope that the community and people that are coming here thinking of using their services to think twice.

@ the moderators. It is never my attention to fill up or spam a forum. I would ask for a little assistance in raising the visibility of this to the community so they are fully aware of the kind of customer service they are about to get should they be considering purchasing anything through this company. Usually, I would cut my losses by now, but I feel that after waiting since the end of December 2020 until now and go through all of this and not to expose this to others so they do not go through the same experience would be an injustice.

I will continue to document my experience. At present the system was picked up by DPD on 18/03 @ 09:00 and marked as “RMA Received” on 20/03 @08:47.


We love you Ukraine
Well, it has been over three working days now and I have yet to receive any form of communication or update from senior management. Even despite this being the internal process within PCS as stated by one of their engineers to me via telephone and in then following up in an email “Call escalation has been submitted earlier as there is no management team available to reach through to escalate this situation previously. This will be 3 working days for one of the management team to contact you back”.

@Mustafa, previously I asked if you were genuine in your aspirations to help and for you to show me with your actions and not your words. Based on your actions, I can only surmise that you were not. Not you nor anyone within PCS could show me as another person a base level of respect “spare” 5 minutes to call me and provide me with an update? Even though this is literally the company process?

How have PCS become this poor?

I am genuinely at a loss here at to how shocking this is for any company to act and behave like this. I truly hope that the community and people that are coming here thinking of using their services to think twice.

@ the moderators. It is never my attention to fill up or spam a forum. I would ask for a little assistance in raising the visibility of this to the community so they are fully aware of the kind of customer service they are about to get should they be considering purchasing anything through this company. Usually, I would cut my losses by now, but I feel that after waiting since the end of December 2020 until now and go through all of this and not to expose this to others so they do not go through the same experience would be an injustice.

I will continue to document my experience. At present the system was picked up by DPD on 18/03 @ 09:00 and marked as “RMA Received” on 20/03 @08:47.
Just to be sure, have you checked your spam folder, a few people have missed responses as it's gone in there.


The BSOD Doctor
Well, it has been over three working days now and I have yet to receive any form of communication or update from senior management. Even despite this being the internal process within PCS as stated by one of their engineers to me via telephone and in then following up in an email “Call escalation has been submitted earlier as there is no management team available to reach through to escalate this situation previously. This will be 3 working days for one of the management team to contact you back”.

@Mustafa, previously I asked if you were genuine in your aspirations to help and for you to show me with your actions and not your words. Based on your actions, I can only surmise that you were not. Not you nor anyone within PCS could show me as another person a base level of respect “spare” 5 minutes to call me and provide me with an update? Even though this is literally the company process?

How have PCS become this poor?

I am genuinely at a loss here at to how shocking this is for any company to act and behave like this. I truly hope that the community and people that are coming here thinking of using their services to think twice.

@ the moderators. It is never my attention to fill up or spam a forum. I would ask for a little assistance in raising the visibility of this to the community so they are fully aware of the kind of customer service they are about to get should they be considering purchasing anything through this company. Usually, I would cut my losses by now, but I feel that after waiting since the end of December 2020 until now and go through all of this and not to expose this to others so they do not go through the same experience would be an injustice.

I will continue to document my experience. At present the system was picked up by DPD on 18/03 @ 09:00 and marked as “RMA Received” on 20/03 @08:47.
PCS have a formal and well documented complaints process. I strongly suggest that you use it rather than attempt to persue your complaints on these fora.

You clearly have had some poor service but you are dead wrong in assuming that everyone else will have the same issues, so please stop suggesting that they will.

Again, the service you have received has been poor and you have a very valid complaint. I urge you to use the formal complaints process to resolve it.
Just to be sure, have you checked your spam folder, a few people have missed responses as it's gone in there.
Thanks SpyderTracks, but I can't see anything in my Junk/Spam folder. All communications from their standard and direct emails are shown in my inbox. Nothing since Saturday stating my RMA was received. I was informed in my last conversation that someone would return my phone call so I was expecting that rather than an email but, I have been watching both.
PCS have a formal and well documented complaints process. I strongly suggest that you use it rather than attempt to persue your complaints on these fora.

You clearly have had some poor service but you are dead wrong in assuming that everyone else will have the same issues, so please stop suggesting that they will.

Again, the service you have received has been poor and you have a very valid complaint. I urge you to use the formal complaints process to resolve it.
I am not attempting to pursue my complaints on these forms, I am presenting my experience as to the level of service a company is providing that is associated to this forum. My last post is possibly a little less factual a little more opinion based as to be honest I feel I have the right to be more than a little bit disappointed by this showing. But at no point have I suggested anywhere that that I am assuming that everyone else will have the same issues, I am asking those that read forums or reviews before spending money to “think twice”. If any company has the right to boast about customer service and care, a customer should have the right to present otherwise when it does not meet their narrative.

Out of the 5 systems I have purchased 3 of them came with day 1 issues, that is a fact.

If this forum is only available to display PCS in good stead then by all means take these posts down. My intention is genuine in its intent to highlight poor customer service and thus allow another customer to form their own opinions.

Thank you for highlighting the complaints process, this is something I will now have to pursue in the morning.


The BSOD Doctor
I am not attempting to pursue my complaints on these forms, I am presenting my experience as to the level of service a company is providing that is associated to this forum. My last post is possibly a little less factual a little more opinion based as to be honest I feel I have the right to be more than a little bit disappointed by this showing. But at no point have I suggested anywhere that that I am assuming that everyone else will have the same issues, I am asking those that read forums or reviews before spending money to “think twice”. If any company has the right to boast about customer service and care, a customer should have the right to present otherwise when it does not meet their narrative.

Out of the 5 systems I have purchased 3 of them came with day 1 issues, that is a fact.

If this forum is only available to display PCS in good stead then by all means take these posts down. My intention is genuine in its intent to highlight poor customer service and thus allow another customer to form their own opinions.

Thank you for highlighting the complaints process, this is something I will now have to pursue in the morning.
It's clear that your principle aim here is to trash PCS as much as you're able rather than seek help with your (very serious) problem. Your comment that you are asking those that read forums or reviews before spending money to “think twice” is just a poorly veiled suggestion that people should go elsewhere.

One has to ask, if you've bough five PCS systems of which three came with day 1 issues, then why would you come back for a sixth? If PCS are as bad as you suggest then why have you used them so many times?

Had you been a member here longer than 6 days you would know that your suggestion that if this forum is only available to display PCS in good stead then by all means take these posts down is ridiculous and does not reflect how these forums are managed. We do not remove posts just because they are critical of PCS, only if they breach the forum rules. This comment alone demonstrates that your sole intention here is to rubbish PCS in any way that you can.

That you are not seeking help in resolving your issues is also clear. You had a response on here from the Customer Care Manager (@WhatCanIKeep?) the day after your first post, explaining to you that I have forward this to our Operations Manager to investigate further with CCTV footage, we will also contact our courier company, our Account Manager will look at scanned photos at the hub. Clearly an investigation has been launched at PCS to establish what happened with your missing parts. He also says in the same post that The machine is coming back under an RMA, so I will inform our Returns Manager to add the return to our priority list. I don't know what more you could expect any company to do under the circumstances? It was you who chose not to take the opportunity to contact the Customer Care Manager directly to speed up the resolution of your problem, saying Forgive me for not feeling the need to email you but, going on the 3 day lead time I have been getting on any form of email responses from PCS I didn’t feel going that route would get me anywhere either.

I'm also quite staggered that it's only now, and seemingly only because I mentioned it, that you're going to use PCS's official complaints process - almost a week after you first posted on here. For most people facing such a serious problem, searching for the official complaints process would have been the first thing they'd have done. (It's here by the way: https://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/right-to-cancel/).

I note your earlier comment that If this was used as a role play scenario at a customer service training convention it ticks all the box’s on which a service company should not be doing then perhaps some recent posts from some other PCS customers about their customer service might help?

Feb 9th 2021 https://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/forums/threads/lafité-pro-series-14-matte-full-hd-60-hz-72-ntsc-led-widescreen-1920x1080.78187/
Service so far excellent.

March 3rd 2021 https://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/foru...screen-falling-out-of-case.73189/#post-577387
The service from PCS the first time round was excellent I have to say, all very straight forward and easy

March 16th 2021 https://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/foru...d-nightmare-delivery.79602/page-4#post-583710
Excellent follow up phone call from PCS today, which I wasn't expecting, but was very welcome.

They let me know how seriously they were taking this incident and what steps they had already taken, since I reported it yesterday, to make sure it never happens to anyone else.
They also wished to refund me, but still cover me, for my extended warranties I purchased, which was a very welcome surprise and enables me to be free of concern in case any longer term problem rears its head due to the delivery handlling [sic].

All in all and excellent response to the situation that leaves me very happy!

Thank you PCS, great service.

March 22nd 2021 https://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/forums/threads/pc-restarts-locks-up.78940/page-3#post-586401
I'd also like to say for anyone reading this thread with similar issues or otherwise, PCS has been exceptional in the service and speed they have been dealing with this.

None of that is to diminish the seriousness of the error that was made when your build was returned to you and I do sympathise. I'm not at all surprised that you're angry, anyone would be, but the way to deal with this is to work with PCS to obtain a satisfactory resolution. Trash talking PCS no doubt makes you feel better (though revenge is a dish best served cold) but it doesn't help resolve your problems.


It's clear that your principle aim here is to trash PCS as much as you're able rather than seek help with your (very serious) problem. Your comment that you are asking those that read forums or reviews before spending money to “think twice” is just a poorly veiled suggestion that people should go elsewhere.

One has to ask, if you've bough five PCS systems of which three came with day 1 issues, then why would you come back for a sixth? If PCS are as bad as you suggest then why have you used them so many times?

Had you been a member here longer than 6 days you would know that your suggestion that if this forum is only available to display PCS in good stead then by all means take these posts down is ridiculous and does not reflect how these forums are managed. We do not remove posts just because they are critical of PCS, only if they breach the forum rules. This comment alone demonstrates that your sole intention here is to rubbish PCS in any way that you can.

That you are not seeking help in resolving your issues is also clear. You had a response on here from the Customer Care Manager (@WhatCanIKeep?) the day after your first post, explaining to you that I have forward this to our Operations Manager to investigate further with CCTV footage, we will also contact our courier company, our Account Manager will look at scanned photos at the hub. Clearly an investigation has been launched at PCS to establish what happened with your missing parts. He also says in the same post that The machine is coming back under an RMA, so I will inform our Returns Manager to add the return to our priority list. I don't know what more you could expect any company to do under the circumstances? It was you who chose not to take the opportunity to contact the Customer Care Manager directly to speed up the resolution of your problem, saying Forgive me for not feeling the need to email you but, going on the 3 day lead time I have been getting on any form of email responses from PCS I didn’t feel going that route would get me anywhere either.

I'm also quite staggered that it's only now, and seemingly only because I mentioned it, that you're going to use PCS's official complaints process - almost a week after you first posted on here. For most people facing such a serious problem, searching for the official complaints process would have been the first thing they'd have done. (It's here by the way: https://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/right-to-cancel/).

I note your earlier comment that If this was used as a role play scenario at a customer service training convention it ticks all the box’s on which a service company should not be doing then perhaps some recent posts from some other PCS customers about their customer service might help?

Feb 9th 2021 https://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/forums/threads/lafité-pro-series-14-matte-full-hd-60-hz-72-ntsc-led-widescreen-1920x1080.78187/

March 3rd 2021 https://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/foru...screen-falling-out-of-case.73189/#post-577387

March 16th 2021 https://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/foru...d-nightmare-delivery.79602/page-4#post-583710

March 22nd 2021 https://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/forums/threads/pc-restarts-locks-up.78940/page-3#post-586401

None of that is to diminish the seriousness of the error that was made when your build was returned to you and I do sympathise. I'm not at all surprised that you're angry, anyone would be, but the way to deal with this is to work with PCS to obtain a satisfactory resolution. Trash talking PCS no doubt makes you feel better (though revenge is a dish best served cold) but it doesn't help resolve your problems.
Beep beep.


Bronze Level Poster
It's clear that your principle aim here is to trash PCS as much as you're able rather than seek help with your (very serious) problem. Your comment that you are asking those that read forums or reviews before spending money to “think twice” is just a poorly veiled suggestion that people should go elsewhere.

One has to ask, if you've bough five PCS systems of which three came with day 1 issues, then why would you come back for a sixth? If PCS are as bad as you suggest then why have you used them so many times?

Had you been a member here longer than 6 days you would know that your suggestion that if this forum is only available to display PCS in good stead then by all means take these posts down is ridiculous and does not reflect how these forums are managed. We do not remove posts just because they are critical of PCS, only if they breach the forum rules. This comment alone demonstrates that your sole intention here is to rubbish PCS in any way that you can.

That you are not seeking help in resolving your issues is also clear. You had a response on here from the Customer Care Manager (@WhatCanIKeep?) the day after your first post, explaining to you that I have forward this to our Operations Manager to investigate further with CCTV footage, we will also contact our courier company, our Account Manager will look at scanned photos at the hub. Clearly an investigation has been launched at PCS to establish what happened with your missing parts. He also says in the same post that The machine is coming back under an RMA, so I will inform our Returns Manager to add the return to our priority list. I don't know what more you could expect any company to do under the circumstances? It was you who chose not to take the opportunity to contact the Customer Care Manager directly to speed up the resolution of your problem, saying Forgive me for not feeling the need to email you but, going on the 3 day lead time I have been getting on any form of email responses from PCS I didn’t feel going that route would get me anywhere either.

I'm also quite staggered that it's only now, and seemingly only because I mentioned it, that you're going to use PCS's official complaints process - almost a week after you first posted on here. For most people facing such a serious problem, searching for the official complaints process would have been the first thing they'd have done. (It's here by the way: https://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/right-to-cancel/).

I note your earlier comment that If this was used as a role play scenario at a customer service training convention it ticks all the box’s on which a service company should not be doing then perhaps some recent posts from some other PCS customers about their customer service might help?

Feb 9th 2021 https://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/forums/threads/lafité-pro-series-14-matte-full-hd-60-hz-72-ntsc-led-widescreen-1920x1080.78187/

March 3rd 2021 https://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/foru...screen-falling-out-of-case.73189/#post-577387

March 16th 2021 https://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/foru...d-nightmare-delivery.79602/page-4#post-583710

March 22nd 2021 https://www.pcspecialist.co.uk/forums/threads/pc-restarts-locks-up.78940/page-3#post-586401

None of that is to diminish the seriousness of the error that was made when your build was returned to you and I do sympathise. I'm not at all surprised that you're angry, anyone would be, but the way to deal with this is to work with PCS to obtain a satisfactory resolution. Trash talking PCS no doubt makes you feel better (though revenge is a dish best served cold) but it doesn't help resolve your problems.
The unfortunate truth is that sometimes you have to make a fuss in order to have your problem taken seriously - even at otherwise reputable companies such as PCS.


Staff member
Thank you for waiting, I am sorry for not being able to keep on top of this thread, the system has now been dispatched, I would once again apologise for any inconvenience caused.

My colleague who was assigned while I have been busy training our new colleagues has assured me that he has been in direct contact with you.

We are also looking into the matter internally.

Kind Regards,


I deleted my somewhat sarky post - so my apologies OP - it wasn't helpful.

I find your particular case pretty shocking I must say. The missing items in particular - but I have been that soldier - I once was tasked with packaging an unserviceable part in need of extremely rapid repair in time for a courier who was coming to collect in short order. I gathered a perfectly sized box and all the various packing materials to ensure a safe journey for it. Taped it up and handed it off on time. I was proud of myself until the following day when the service agent reported they had received a box of styrofoam. The part was still sitting on my workbench. 🤦‍♂️

Crazy stuff can happen on the odd occassion - and when it does someone somewhere has to be the recipient of the crazines and it seems you drew the short straw this time - no solice to you of course - but let's see what's done to sort it all out.....Give PCS a chance to prove their words have value and try not to dismiss an apology and promise of action, even if it seems to be coming too late for you......

Good luck and I hope we might hear a happy ending from you in the future.