I received my PC today and the side case fan isn't connected which I expected, I had a search on the forum and seen a few posts but im still confused (doesn't take much), can you help me hook it up?
the connectors on the fan are in this pic -
do I just attach it to the power or do I also need to connect it to the motherboard -Gigabyte Z97X Gaming 3?
there is a black cable with it also -
any help would be great.
I received my PC today and the side case fan isn't connected which I expected, I had a search on the forum and seen a few posts but im still confused (doesn't take much), can you help me hook it up?
the connectors on the fan are in this pic -
do I just attach it to the power or do I also need to connect it to the motherboard -Gigabyte Z97X Gaming 3?
there is a black cable with it also -
any help would be great.