Don't know about 24/7 working night shifts but they could work the weekends and get some overtime in as long as they were prepared to and willing to earn the extra cash. I work weekends voluntarily, money makes the world go round and at the moment my laptop has been in pre-production for 9 days and the lead times for dispatch are 9.55 days and was 10. something days when I ordered. I have not been given an explanation as to why it is taking so long, they emailed me the other days saying sometimes it can take 7-8 days in pre production and they are aiming to get it dispatched to me as soon as possible, no explanation of any missing parts so I fail to understand what the hold up is. It will be over 2 weeks after this weekend and I'm still in pre- production. I can understand they are busy but if they are too busy too keep up with orders then why not work a few weekends? Pay the staff some overtime and keep up with the demand in the process.