Hi, so I received a PC specialist desktop for Christmas, has been working fine since, but the last few days, it has been randomly shutting off.
For example, I was playing GTA V, and the fans ramped up, the display signal was lost and I had to restart it. Is there a way to fix my problem?
Ryzen 5 3400G
16gb Ram (no idea the brand)
GTX 1660 (no idea the brand)
1tb hard drive
650gb hard drive (added by me)
450w power supply (iirc)
For example, I was playing GTA V, and the fans ramped up, the display signal was lost and I had to restart it. Is there a way to fix my problem?
Ryzen 5 3400G
16gb Ram (no idea the brand)
GTX 1660 (no idea the brand)
1tb hard drive
650gb hard drive (added by me)
450w power supply (iirc)