PC Game Deals!


Lord of Steam
Squirrel With A Gun finally comes out this week. It looks insane!



We love you Ukraine
Squirrel With A Gun finally comes out this week. It looks insane!

Does look hilarious, I may well have to grab this one to go alongside Goat Simulator


We love you Ukraine
Yeah very interesting, the things companies will do just to make the books look good even if they aren't, and sod the employees
And for what, just to artificially boost that years figures, if they'd done it sensibly, the title would have been an overwhelming success and secured the studio as one of the ones to watch, and they would have unquestionably have had a new high tier IP list down the road.

As it was, the studio folded after a lacklustre launch. The execs probably didn't care and still got their annual bonuses and moved on to the next acquisition.

Such a waste!


We love you Ukraine
Yeah, it's very much a Goat Simulator type of game. Many will look at the game and not get it. Those who are sucked in will have a riot of a time!
An ex girlfriend of mine was responsible for me buying Goat Sim, she passed away about 10 years ago tragically, she absolutely adored Goat Sim, would sit there for hours just giggling incessantly.

Squirrel With A Gun is on the wish list as a tribute to her.


Well-known member
Worth a watch:
This is disappointing, so they removed 2 bosses? I can only recall 1 at the very end. I did purchase the game when it first came out and the performance was pretty lame but I had just got a new PC with you guys, so didn't notice it that much. Interesting they finished it a few months early so that they could add money to the Financial year (In Korea) is that right? It's bad management. I didn't know how volatile the job markets is for producers. Makes sense over covid there was an influx of job hoppers due to the salaries being offered. What a shame they had all those problems and then told to finish the game early. I really enjoyed it but to know it could have been even better....


Lord of Steam
The Last Acre is a point & click adventure made by a dev based in Dublin. The game can be completed in a couple of hours (there's an achievement for speedrunning the game in under an hour which is fairly easy on a second playthrough or with a guide) and is currently on Steam for just under £2. It's reasonably entertaining for that price!


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free epic games later today 4pm ish



We love you Ukraine
Terminator: Resistance has a hefty sale on down to £9



We love you Ukraine
And Serious Sam 4 down to £6.70! Serious all out shooter fun
