PC Game Deals!


Fair enough !

And Hob is 75% off now :


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I tend not to buy Early Access games - been bitten way too many times with them, but the updates for that are out every few months and it's heading in a good direction.

if the game is at a reasonable price I would tend to buy an early access game just in case the price rose, but, on the whole I like to wait to see how the game progresses, or not.

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looks quite good



Lord of Steam
Steam Summer Sale is now on. Only 26 games on sale in my initial email - not tempted yet!



Lord of Steam
The latest indie darling of PC gaming is Dave The Diver. It released on Wednesday and already has more than 15,000 reviews - 97% positive!

You play as Dave who is roped into providing fish for a sushi restaurant - you spend your mornings and afternoons diving in the sea to get fish for sushi, and your evenings serving the fish you've caught in the restaurant. It's got a cute pixel animation style and some of the mini cutscenes are ridulously over the top. I'm enjoying my time with the game.


Left forum

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one to keep an eye on



We love you Ukraine
Christ almighty, that’s one hell of a deal.
Christ, you're not kidding! For any of you that aren't familiar, a few of those games are old titles, don't let that put you off, Half-Life is still one of the best all time series ever made, and I can't see that changing.

The Left4Dead games are also pretty great.

Team Fortress and Counter Strike are still mainliners in eSports for a very good reason, they still outperform modern games for sheer skill and incredibly fast response times.


At Least I Have Chicken
Half-Life is still one of the best all time series ever made, and I can't see that changing.
Absolutely, and there’s no doubt many who wouldn’t have had the chance to play Blue Shift and Opposing Force when they were originally released. They’re both fantastic add ons to the Half Life experience which add a lot of story goodness and require you to play the game in a different way.

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: We’ve done the sales pitch… if you don’t own any of these games you need to get involved. £5.33 gets you a big chewy lump of gaming history.


Lord of Steam
You have alerted the horde.