PC Game Deals!


Author Level
There are some very helpful websites too with Elite Dangerous.

EDDB being one of them.

Be patient at the start as can take a little time to get into the game so to speak but there is a vast universe to explore, literally.

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Bright Spark
Unfortunately they are nerfing the payment system in Elite, some might say for the better but personally they will just make everything so hard to earn credits and pay out a tiny bit more for combat missions.

I havent played it in ages, Deffo need to wash and polish my Imperial Cutter, ready for those democratic fools to kick off!

If you have a VR setup then apparently it's awesome


Author Level
Oh. Hadn’t heard about the nerfing of payment system. Where’d you see this?

Better get back on ASAP (when my laptop comes) and do some more Void Opal mining.

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Super Star
Couldn't create my account yet :( Took that from their support page:

"I'm getting a '405' error when trying to create a Frontier Account.
  • 1 hour ago
  • Updated
We are experiencing a surge in people creating accounts, due to our launch on the Epic Games platform. Please wait a short while and try again. Your patience is appreciated."


Bright Spark
Oh. Hadn’t heard about the nerfing of payment system. Where’d you see this?

Better get back on ASAP (when my laptop comes) and do some more Void Opal mining.

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It's been on the cards for such a long time and really the only reason I spent far too many hours laser mining just to get some decent money-



Lord of Steam
I'm a big sci-fi fan, particularly the cyberpunk, steampunk and dieselpunk subgenres. There's many films, books, TV shows and more covering all of these subgenres. There's a lot of attention on cyberpunk at the moment with the (hopefully) imminent arrival of Cyberpunk 2077. One of my favourite Youtubers, Bellular News, has done a list of games available on Steam for those wanting a helping of cyberpunk while waiting for CP2077. I can honestly say that I already owned almost every game in this video, and the ones that I don't own were already on my wishlist!



We love you Ukraine
I'm a big sci-fi fan, particularly the cyberpunk, steampunk and dieselpunk subgenres. There's many films, books, TV shows and more covering all of these subgenres. There's a lot of attention on cyberpunk at the moment with the (hopefully) imminent arrival of Cyberpunk 2077. One of my favourite Youtubers, Bellular News, has done a list of games available on Steam for those wanting a helping of cyberpunk while waiting for CP2077. I can honestly say that I already owned almost every game in this video, and the ones that I don't own were already on my wishlist!

I'm just playing through the remaster of Observer: Redux..... it's really trippy, I actually had to step away and take a break because became quite lightheaded with all the hallucinations and weirdness that happens in it... amazing game!


Behold The Ford Mondeo
I got the master chief edition a while back (probably last year) played it a bit then fell away from it. Re-started it after the mention in another thread. Quite enjoying it. It's RIGHT up my street for gameplay. You can pick it up and play it without needing to really play daily to know what's what.

Pick up gun... shoot gun.... jump.... don't get shot. That's my kinda game!


At Least I Have Chicken
I mentioned in that thread about Blade Runner about owning it on disk. I own another impossibly large game from that era on disk as well. The X Files Game comes on SEVEN CDs - that's just nuts! :eek:
And here’s me thinking Monkey Island 2 on the Amiga with 11 floppy discs and a piracy prevention code wheel was humongous. That’s just ridiculous! 😮


Master Poster
Unfortunately they are nerfing the payment system in Elite, some might say for the better but personally they will just make everything so hard to earn credits and pay out a tiny bit more for combat missions.

I havent played it in ages, Deffo need to wash and polish my Imperial Cutter, ready for those democratic fools to kick off!

If you have a VR setup then apparently it's awesome
It’s needed though, pleased they are recognising pay as risk based, quite a few combat missions the reward is just not worth it.

They know this from feedback from mission acceptance.

getting more for high risk combat missions is an improvement, their was talk ages ago about mission weighting based on distance, current ship and ships you would encounter on mission (types and numbers).

Ditto mining, loading up for deep core should give more cash return that simply pinging with lasers.

My Corvette does find those Cutters a bit of a snack before breakfast.

Hopefully they are moving to a universal war, will be interesting for our group as we have a fair split on ’allegiance’ (War of Roses).

(admittedly I do also use Cutter as a hauler and occasional miner, although Corvette as miner does surprise pirates lol).


Bright Spark
It’s needed though, pleased they are recognising pay as risk based, quite a few combat missions the reward is just not worth it.

They know this from feedback from mission acceptance.

getting more for high risk combat missions is an improvement, their was talk ages ago about mission weighting based on distance, current ship and ships you would encounter on mission (types and numbers).

Ditto mining, loading up for deep core should give more cash return that simply pinging with lasers.

My Corvette does find those Cutters a bit of a snack before breakfast.

Hopefully they are moving to a universal war, will be interesting for our group as we have a fair split on ’allegiance’ (War of Roses).

(admittedly I do also use Cutter as a hauler and occasional miner, although Corvette as miner does surprise pirates lol).
Tbh I havent played Elite in a while, but agree the combat missions arent paying enough but if the Developers are planning the usual "Elite Nerf", then all that will happy is either the Opals/LTD's hotspots wont be anywhere near as plentiful as they now (until Monday), reduce the global buying prices and they will give a tiny buff to the combat missions. As is the want of gamers, i guess you cant please everyone. Actually prefer my good ole engineered Anaconda for combat 🤗 , while toasting up Federation punks 🤣


Oh...in the later games, it gets even better:

Pick up gun...shoot said gun...jump...don't get shot.....pick up second gun for dual wielded weaponry fun....try to work out how to press both controller triggers at the same time whilst trying to aim and avoid getting shot.....get shot and die as you can't aim accurately whilst pressing both triggers......rage quit in disgust....repeat the next day as you are a glutton for punishment :eek:
I've gone and got myself a controller, tried reading the instructions and it fried my brain.............

Will try looking at it again when I''m properly awake, so after several coffees rather than after some roasted apple moonshine...... :ROFLMAO:


At Least I Have Chicken
Do you like your driving games fast paced, the scenery whizzing past as you find the perfect racing line and accelerate out of the apex?

Or do you prefer going at 3mph, activating the differential and attaching your winch to a nearby tree in order to free yourself from the quagmire you’ve been stuck in for the last ten minutes?

If it’s the latter, you might just enjoy this weeks offering from Epic Games Store... it’s Mudrunner!
