Super Star
Just updating you guys on CTR. It is now available here:Looks very interesting but it does mention you need to configure certain things in the BIOS which aren’t readily available on the stock bios. Think you need an unlocked version, which in turn would obviously void the PCS warranty

ClockTuner for Ryzen (CTR) v2.1 RC5 Download
Download ClockTuner for Ryzen (CTR), Guru3D is the official download partner for this handy utility that can possibly boost ZEN2 processor performance on your PC....

And while he does indeed suggest some parameters to be changed on the mobo, there's also some tweets going around with people that were able to use the tool with everything on auto and still get good results. So I understand that all in "auto" is more or less what we have currently on the nova and might be possible to use CTR with it. I cannot test it yet as the tool currently has a bug with the 3100 CPU, but I'm curious to see if someone else could get it working on the Nova.
But even if the tool does not fully work, we still can have an idea about which are the best and worst cores and try to tune each core individually on Ryzen Master.