MSFS release August 18th!


We love you Ukraine
I have to laugh as well, as MS have just released this game and let us get on with it. Other than the odd promo vid and "coming soon" ad, they are barely marketing the thing. It's literally selling itself. I've not seen any documentation to list these features so it's like easter egg after easter egg when you find them. Of course there are negatives to this too but it all adds to the experience and the charm for me.
I didn't realise that MSFS is actually one of MS biggest IP's.... now I can definitely see why!!!


The BSOD Doctor
ATC were moaning at me constantly over the radio in the game haha.

I've not been over myself but my Dad has and said that it's breathtaking. Obviously there are limitations with the game, not least of which most of the high resolution images are actually stretched over the peaks etc, making it look un-natural.

Not bad for a first draft though :D

Which has just reminded me of something. The Grand Canyon is auto generated in the game. It's not something that the devs have gone over with a fine tooth comb trying to add to. It's typical of well imaged areas all around the globe. The areas that they have actually put some effort into have points of interest attached to them. If anything, that makes it even more impressive that what you see in that video is just bog standard satellite image rendering.
Another 'canyon' you might want to fly through is the Corinth Canal in Greece. I've taken my boat through there and in a small plane (flying under the bridges) it would be quite something....


Behold The Ford Mondeo
No sound as I forgot to change the audio hook when running through Moonlight, but I'm sure you get the idea regardless :D

Also, I had to use OBS, which isn't as pretty after processing.



The BSOD Doctor
Ah, now that really is disappointing. The walls of the Corinth Canal are near vertical - it's so much more impressive than it looks there.

These are from my boat when we went through there in 2010...

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Master Poster
@ubuysa great photos.

back in the early 1990‘s (or late 80’s) I went through the canal on HMS Manchester (me and 3 others where guests of the ship).

these photos are not mine but you get the idea (more so since you have been through it).


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The BSOD Doctor
@ubuysa great photos.

back in the early 1990‘s (or late 80’s) I went through the canal on HMS Manchester (me and 3 others where guests of the ship).

these photos are not mine but you get the idea (more so since you have been through it).
Wow. Did you have a tug or was she under her own power?

I've been through several times. Once was as volunteer crew on a large catamaran (65ft). Since the owner had always helmed and so not been able to have a good look around, I offered to helm her for him. Mistake. From the helm on the flybridge I couldn't see water between the sides of the boat and the walls of the canal - it was just wall-boat-wall. I knew there was over a metre of water each side (well, I thought I knew) and I just concentrated on keeping her as central as I could....! My wife later told me there was bags of room either side.

Hats off to the helm on HMS Manchester though. Proper sailors those. :)

Sorry for the thread drift. :oops:


Master Poster
Wow. Did you have a tug or was she under her own power?

I've been through several times. Once was as volunteer crew on a large catamaran (65ft). Since the owner had always helmed and so not been able to have a good look around, I offered to helm her for him. Mistake. From the helm on the flybridge I couldn't see water between the sides of the boat and the walls of the canal - it was just wall-boat-wall. I knew there was over a metre of water each side (well, I thought I knew) and I just concentrated on keeping her as central as I could....! My wife later told me there was bags of room either side.

Hats off to the helm on HMS Manchester though. Proper sailors those. :)

she was under her own power, not sure if she had a pilot on board.

Hopefully over time MSFS will play catch up with the Worlds Heritage sites (rather than football stadiums etc) and have them available in stunning glory.

Flying through the canal would then look even more impressive.


Behold The Ford Mondeo
Ah, now that really is disappointing. The walls of the Corinth Canal are near vertical - it's so much more impressive than it looks there.

I thought that was the case from looking how the photo-geometry was covering the land as I was passing it. You could see that something was off and it's obviously due to the vertical nature of the land. I think the good thing is that all that's required is adjusting the mesh to compensate to have it looking more accurate. The photo scenery isn't too bad, although I've seen far more accurate areas.

Obviously this is another auto-gen area. One of the most impressive, I believe to be autogen, areas so far has been Mont Blanc. Flew up there last night, the plane I was in could barely reach the summit haha. Even managed to land on it...... before sliding off and falling to my virtual death.


Behold The Ford Mondeo
Got an award for a perfect landing with regards to staying aligned..... would help if I had put the landing gear down! I've got it recorded but I've not looked at it yet haha.

Not figured out how to open the doors on the A320neo, not sure if it's possible? Struggled with altitude above FL350 too, couldn't get any speed and the trim was dialed WAY in. Unsure if it was something I did that was stupid but held it at FL340 without issue.

Finally starting to get to grips with the A320 MCDU but there are a TON of features missing that I wasn't expecting. I sincerely hope that MS make this whole as it's one thing to charge a premium for a limited amount of content but I would like to think the content will be getting improved for free.

I'm seriously chuffed with this game. It's absolutely stunning and the visuals blow me away the more I play it. There is so much to do that the world literally is your oyster. As another plus..... I genuinely think I could land an aircraft if the Pilot, co-pilot and 3rd all fell ill with food poisoning. It's a nice thing to think about...... unless you did the poisoning just to get a shot 😇


Gold Level Poster
I’ve read that as it stands, you can’t open doors on the Neo.

With that altitude, how much fuel and payload on board? May have just been too heavy for 350?

Yeah the default aircraft wouldn’t cut it for me just because of the amount of missing features I would need, which is why I’m in no rush to move.


Behold The Ford Mondeo
I’ve read that as it stands, you can’t open doors on the Neo.

With that altitude, how much fuel and payload on board? May have just been too heavy for 350?

Yeah the default aircraft wouldn’t cut it for me just because of the amount of missing features I would need, which is why I’m in no rush to move.

Can't open them at all? on the A320 it used to be controlled via the co-MCDU. This was on FSX. Not sure if that's just something that's missing. I just called the jetway, luggage and fuel truck. Watched them all make there way.

The payload wasn't particularly heavy, having read around I think the weather/air was against me. The simulation actually takes it to another level which I absolutely love. I had to lower the FL to around 37000 (but I overshot it down to FL340 just in case). The rest of the flight was butter so I was well chuffed.

I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise but I genuinely think you are missing out. For the odd thing that's missing for genuine flying, every necessity is there. What you get over any other simulator is just unbelievable realism. The weather, traffic and visual representations are just jaw dropping.

I just flew Glasgow to Palma, took around 3 hours gate to gate and I made everything as realistic as possible (other than the Taxi). Such satisfaction from the completion using the autopilot and full ILS approach etc. Loved it.


Gold Level Poster
I’m pretty sure I read that yes but not absolutely certain, was mentioned in forum post I think.

Very nice, sounds a good trip. Did a Heathrow to Malaga myself yesterday:cool:


Bright Spark
Oooh, the devs are working on a new project already. If it is Combat Flight Sim, count me in...

Combat Flight Sim was brilliant back in the day, loved it

VR supported space sim sounds something id like, would be amazing to visit plants, stars and galaxy's (y)
Try Elite Dangerous, apparently awesome in VR