Motherboard Power Connections Strix X570


Bright Spark
Just looking at the cabling in my case and noticed that the EATX12V_2 4 pin connector is jammed really tight at the top of the case and looks to be barely in (im not even sure it is looking at the angle its at) doing a bit of reading seems this connection is optional and is used when the CPU is overclocked and needs more power, the manual would also seem to back this up and defines this as an OR connection, if i replace with some braided cables can i sack this connection off without any issues?

Snips of connection in question and manual below:




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Resident Metalhead
Staff member
In some instances, it is not truly necessary to have it, but I do recommend it on X570 systems using the latest chips due to their own internal boost.

If you are not happy with the connection you can try and take a picture? Usually, PC internal power cables can withstand a fair amount of twisting/folding/bending without affecting the power, so even if it is quite tight you should be fine.


if you replace with braided cables, you can bring the unused half of the second cpu cable back in to the right hand side of the case which relieves the pressure up there, when you go to take the cables out , looking at them from the wiring side of the case just ease them to the left and if you look you'll see a small phillips screw that holds the cable retainer in place, take that out, then carefully remove the cable that has only one half connected first as you can ease each half through separately, which then gives more room to get the 8 pin out.




Bright Spark
In some instances, it is not truly necessary to have it, but I do recommend it on X570 systems using the latest chips due to their own internal boost.

If you are not happy with the connection you can try and take a picture? Usually, PC internal power cables can withstand a fair amount of twisting/folding/bending without affecting the power, so even if it is quite tight you should be fine.
Thanks, no problem leaving it in,its not the cable that's the problem, it's that the plug looks like it's twisted in the socket, i will take a photo when i get home and post later

Its going to be a real pain to even get them out and back in if i need to as the H150i is full length up there so there isn't a lot of room, might end up having to drop the Rad out to check they are seated correctly
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Bright Spark
OK, so having had a good look at it i think it's actually a 4x4 cable thats been run up to the connections and is the one that looks skewed, the one thats in the actual socket looks good ?



Erm, sorry, i only skim read it, i have now, im not really following where the screw retainer is though ?
If you look from the side the cables come through from you'll see a small screw, but you have to tease the cables to the left to see it