There will never be a better ‘derailed’ gif that doesn’t involve massive loss of human life 😆
There will never be a better ‘derailed’ gif that doesn’t involve massive loss of human life 😆
My best friend is a doctor. She's actually a senior attending paediatrician in the emergency department of the National Children's Hospital in Washington DC. Last time she visited us we showed her an episode of House. She hated it. Her comments consisted of "we'd never do that" or "he would never get away with that".House is the best TV Series ever made IMO. It's fantastic. It absolutely wouldn't be what it is without Hugh Laurie as Greg House. When he gets a character, he absolutely becomes that character (Night Manager also).
I would highly recommend House to just about anyone. It has similar ailments to Scrubs and other series, but with a slightly more morbid twist and with a completely unsympathetic angle. It's very unique. The premise is similar across all the series, so you know what you're going to get for daily plot lines...... the growth and development of the characters and the slow burn into the insight of House himself is simply palatable. All the actors did a fine job but Hugh absolutely owned the show.
I've went out my way to watch things with him in them since. Avenue 5 was an unfortunate low point, not poor acting from him.... he does fine... just poor choice of work for him.
My best friend is a doctor. She's actually a senior attending paediatrician in the emergency department of the National Children's Hospital in Washington DC. Last time she visited us we showed her an episode of House. She hated it. Her comments consisted of "we'd never do that" or "he would never get away with that".
It's kind of like me with films or TV series that feature a computer or a 'hacker'. If you've never read Dan Brown's book Digital Fortress then please don't. You'll hate it. The premise on which it's based is so false as to be silly. Any security expert designing the system he features in that book would have been shot at the design stage!
House and Suits were favourites of ours too. I used to dream about Donna!Oh I have absolutely no doubt about that. It's just a typical dramatisation with fully fledged Doctors around him all being "Idiots".
Suits is another of my favourites where the only thing that really gets to me with it is their swinging range of emotions. These people at these elite levels are far more cold and calculated, they don't get set off by someone ruffling their feathers... yet in the show, it's just all over the shop.
If it wasn't for the drama we probably wouldn't bother though![]()
GOG Galaxy did the same for my gaming collection - I choose not to get out more!Loved House and really enjoying The Good Doctor too.
Just checked my app I use for tracking what I’m watching and see series 5 kicks off late September.
Then I realise I need to get out more.
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Loved House and really enjoying The Good Doctor too.
Just checked my app I use for tracking what I’m watching and see series 5 kicks off late September.
Then I realise I need to get out more.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
GOG Galaxy did the same for my gaming collection - I choose not to get out more! View attachment 28844
you two,
may I interest you in a life?
after @Scott mention of it the other day, ive just bought all 12 seasons of murder she wrote
She's a true Diva, I bow down to you do,
on a side note jessica lansbury is 95 yrs old, 96 this october
jessica lansbury - Google Search
on imdb she has been in loadsShe's a true Diva, I bow down to her.
Aside from Murder She Wrote, if you watch the old Death On The Nile which was a Poirot film with the older actor Peter Ustinov as Poirot, it's a great film anyway with a great cast, but Angela just knocks the ball out of the park with her performance in that film. She became rather stereotyped with Murder She Wrote, but she is a fine fine actress.
A fantastic introduction to life in WW1 trenches is Journey’s End. I first saw the play at the Nuffield Theatre in Southampton about 35 years ago. At the interval, warning signs were put up for those with a nervous disposition, due to the pyrotechnics in the second half of the play. There is also a film. I have a lot of interest in WW1, as my grandfather lied about his age and signed up at the age of 15 in 1914. He then survived the whole war, being demobbed after the end of the war at 19. He was in several major battles as a foot soldier, including the Somme and Ypres and wounded twice. He couldn’t fight in WW2 due to shrapnel that couldn’t be remobed due to being too close to his heart. I can’t imagine being in the trenches or going over the top as a teenager.Yeah… perhaps I’m being a little optimistic. It is an EA game, after all 🙄
I think WWII is easier to get on board with in shooter terms, the Nazis were awful and committed the greatest atrocities we’re likely to know of in our lifetimes. They’re an enemy you want to stop in no uncertain terms.
WWI is such a different bag, nobody was truly evil and millions of men died because they were essentially sold a lie by their leaders.
Nobody explains it better than Edmund Blackadder…
Think i watched the first 3 seasons, and started the 4thPretty sure this has been mentioned before, may even have mentioned it myself, but thought I would re-visit for anyone still looking for something decent to watch.
Great show, really hooking start to get you into it. Loads of twists and turns, some predictable.... most not. Better lucky than good most of the time but the characters show some real metal that you can't help but admire (on all sides).
Yeah my partner is watching it and I've been half watching it. Seems a little convoluted to be honest and the last episode I watched just made very little sense, she loves it I'm not the biggest fanAnyone managed to watch Click bait on Netflix? It is pretty good. Don't want to say too much and spoil it haha
I think i like all the twists to be honest, but yes you do have to be fully concentrating as each episode there is new a new suspectYeah my partner is watching it and I've been half watching it. Seems a little convoluted to be honest and the last episode I watched just made very sense, she loves it I'm not the biggest fan